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inphase Meaning in marathi ( inphase शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


सुधारणेची पावले, ग्रहांची केली, सुधारणेचा भाग, प्रगतीचा भाग, प्रगतीची पायरी, ग्रहाची अवस्था, वेळेची विभागणी,

inphase's Usage Examples:

{\displaystyle Z(t)I(t)+jQ(t)\,} where I ( t ) {\displaystyle I(t)} is the inphase signal, Q ( t ) {\displaystyle Q(t)} the quadrature phase signal, and j.

analyzed with a lock-in amplifier for its amplitude and phase, or for the inphase and quadrature components.

This also allows riders to select different crank positions, such as inphase (IP), or Out-Of-Phase (OOP), while pedaling together.

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