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in disguise Meaning in marathi ( in disguise शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

वेषात, गुप्तपणे,

in disguise मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

ते त्यांनी गुप्तपणे सुरु ठेवले होते.

सशस्त्र क्रांतीचा प्रचारही गुप्तपणे सुरू करण्यात आला.

१८९५ मध्ये लेनिन रशियात परतल्यावर एक वृत्तपत्र काढण्याचे व त्याचे गुप्तपणे वाटप करण्याचे त्यांनी ठरविले.

रामला एका कपटी सैनिकापासून जनरलच्या मुलीचे संरक्षण करण्यासाठी विद्यापीठातील विद्यार्थी म्हणून गुप्तपणे पाठवले गेले आहे.

ही परवानगी निवडणुकीच्या काळातच गुप्तपणे केली गेली म्हणुन विशेष टीका झाली.

१९३७ मध्ये लग्न केले होते ते गुप्तपणे.

त्यानंतर त्यांचे मृतदेह कारागृहाच्या मागील भिंती फोडून गुप्तपणे काढले गेले व त्यांचा लाहोरपासून अंदाजे ५० मैल दूर हुसैनीवाला या ठिकाणी सतलज नदीकिनारी अंत्यसंस्कार करण्यात आला.

जून 2015 मध्ये, हे उघड झाले की या हल्ल्यात दहा पैकी आठ जणांनी कॅमेर्यात गुप्तपणे बरीच फसवणूक केली होती, आतल्यांना बाहेर काढण्यात आले आणि मुक्त केले जाणारे एक जण खून बिडचे मास्टरमाइंड असल्याचे उघड झाले.

या भीतीने त्याने रोहिणीला आपला भाऊ ब्रजराज नंदगोप यांच्याकडे गुप्तपणे पाठवले आणि रोहिणीला यशोदा नंदाने रोहिणीला आपला गृहात राहायला दिले.

१९३७ रोजी ऑस्ट्रियातील बागास्ताइन येथे एमिली शेंकल या युवतीशी गुप्तपणे विवाह केला होता .

अटकेत असतांनाही सुकर्णो यांनी गुप्तपणे आपले कार्य सुरूच ठेवले.

in disguise's Usage Examples:

(Ku Klux Klan Act): "While murder is stalking abroad in disguise, while whippings and lynchings and banishments have been visited upon unoffending American.

actually Odysseus in disguise, with a chair, which even the other suitors disapprove of.

The New York Times' Vincent Canby wrote: Junior Bonner, which looks like a rodeo film and sounds like a rodeo film, is a superior family comedy in disguise.

Ben, in repayment for this, then provides Sorrel with human clothes so she may go in disguise to find Gilbert while Firedrake stays hidden.

in disguise; one was said to have been the Cardinal, because he was in disaccord with the Pope.

Willoughby initially tries to go home in disguise, but is convinced by Nicole to stay after she hears him criticize his uncle while talking to his mother on the telephone.

Meanwhile, Sean, Emma, and Penance intercept a distress call from the X-Men, who have been shot down by Operation: Zero Tolerance, and head to Emma's home in Miami in disguise.

Switched diamonds, which contain two stub turnouts in disguise, count as facing turnouts in both directions and are also known as moveable angles (UK).

Tigrane brings them the false news that Radamisto has died, and presents Radamisto's supposed servant,Ismeno, really Radamisto himself in disguise, who relates Radamisto's last words.

Raven doesn"t want to go, but when she has a vision of Devon nuzzling with another girl, she and Chelsea crash the convention -- in disguise.

Beatrice was regarded as naughtier than Isabella, often persuading her cousin to participate in other activities, such as wandering around the market place dressed in disguise and without a chaperone.

Lee also put in an appearance in disguise in the 2006 documentary about the ALF "Behind the Mask".

number of sporophylls in the strobilus and a modified compound sporophyll appears later in disguised forms but loses one of the sporophyll members.


humourous, facetious, humorous, bantering,


humorless, displeasing, humourless, po-faced, unfunny,

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