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in all probability Meaning in marathi ( in all probability शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

सर्व संभाव्यतेत, बहुधा,



in all probability मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

मरुवनस्पतींत बहुधा त्या खाचेत असतात.

एकूण दोन लहान व एक मोठा असा मोठा पसारा असणारा हा बहुधा महाराष्ट्रातील सर्वात विर्स्तीण गिरिदुर्ग असावा.

‘सॉर्बे’ हा शब्द बहुधा अरब देशातल्या ‘शरबत’वरून आला असावा.

अप्पांनी बेतलेले हे कपडे पुढे कित्येक वर्षे, बहुधा आधुनिक काळातही नाटकांत आणि चित्रपटांत वापरले जात आहेत.

चित्रपटांतील तिच्या भूमिका बहुधा कामुक स्वरूपाच्या असत.

हा घाट बहुधा रावबहादुर माधवराव विनायकराव किबे यांच्या पूर्वजांनी बांधला असावा.

कागद बहुधा ९५ जीएसएम (ग्रॅम्स पर स्क्वेअर मीटर) प्रकारचा बॉंड पेपर असतो.

पाश्चात्य-शैलीतील राज्याभिषेकामध्ये बहुधा राजाला पवित्र तेलाने अभिषेक करणे किंवा ख्रिसमस असे म्हटले जाते; अभिषेक विधीचे धार्मिक महत्त्व बायबलमध्ये आढळलेल्या उदाहरणांनुसार आहे.

त्यात मंगळागौर म्हणजे पार्वतीची धातूची मूर्ती (बहुधा, अन्नपूर्णा या पार्वतीच्या रूपाची) मांडण्यात येते.

व्यापारी तत्त्वावर वापरला जाणाऱ्या कापसाची झाडे बहुधा गॉसिपियम हिर्सुटम व गॉसिपियम बार्बाडेन्स या दोन उपजातींची असतात.

; पाने जाड, कोवळेपणी बहुधा केसाळ नंतर गुळगुळीत, चकचकीत, मोठी (१५ - २३ सेंमी.

ह्या संज्ञेचा उपयोग बहुधा आर्थिक जागतिकीकरणाच्या संदर्भात केला जातो.

उपनगरी फेऱ्या बहुधा मोठ्या व महत्त्वाच्या स्थानकांपासून तशाच दुसऱ्या महत्त्वाच्या स्थानकांपर्यंत असतात.

in all probability's Usage Examples:

Neferefre's prenomen was in all probability also given on the Turin canon (third column, 21st row), which dates to the same period as the Saqqara tablet, but it has since been lost in a large lacuna affecting the document.

has about half of its population born in foreign countries, with, in all probability, almost all from Mexico, and with many of them being illegal immigrants.

Historian Roger Cirillo argued the operation was designed to only clear the city of German forces; due to it being cut by both a river and a canal any attempts to make rapid progress through and beyond, were in all probability, impossible.

The architecture is of the Doric order, but its proportions are lighter and more slender than those of the celebrated temples of Paestum: and it is in all probability of later date.

see the Gobelins Manufactory article Gobelin was the name of a family of dyers, who in all probability came originally from Reims, and who in the middle.

Though in all probability a Tamil by birth, he declares, in the opening lines of those of his.

The population crash of the dassies was in all probability responsible for the decline in the Verreaux"s eagle.

In fact they were in all probability not designed as a group.

Immediately opposite to it, on the sea-shore, is a small salt-water basin or lagoon, now called the Lago di Santa Pelagina, which, though neither deep nor spacious, in all probability formed the ancient port of Metapontum.

separate province under a governor titled harmostes ("supervisor") by the archaizing Choniates, but whose actual title in all probability must have been doux.

Manufactory article Gobelin was the name of a family of dyers, who in all probability came originally from Reims, and who in the middle of the 15th century.

In 1918 he demonstrated that influenza was caused by a filterable agent that was in all probability a virus.

" Abraham in all probability, tried to keep them apart from Isaac to avoid conflict while fulfilling.


all important, of import, crucial, important, of the essence, essential,


unimportant, unimportance, inessential, insignificant, worthless,

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