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in a large degree Meaning in marathi ( in a large degree शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

मोठ्या पदवीमध्ये, आकाश,

in a large degree मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

कुलगुरूंचे शब्द ऐकून बालसिद्ध म्हणाला, "आकाश कसे नष्ट होईल?" आश्चर्याने थक्क झालेल्या वीरभद्रस्वामींनी त्याला सांगितले की ह्या प्रश्नाचे उत्तर केवळ सदगुरूच देऊ शकतील.

तो दु:खी होऊन शोक करत होता, तोच आकाशवाणी झाली.

जितने आकाश में हैं तारे.

ऑल इंडिया रेडिओ आकाशवाणी १०१.

१८८५ मधील निर्मिती वैश्विक किरण (इंग्रजी भाषा, Cosmic rays )हा उच्च-उर्जा किरणोत्सर्गाचा एक प्रकार आहे, मुख्यत: सौर मंडळाच्या बाहेर आणि अगदी दूरदूर आकाशगंगेपासून.

आकाशवाणीवरील केवळ 'प्रपंच'च नव्हे तर 'आम्ही तिघी' ह्यासारख्यां श्रुतिकांमधून किंवा 'प्रकाश माक्याचे तेल', 'काय झालं? बाळ रडत होतं.

वारांची ही नावे त्याकाळी माहीत असलेल्या आकाशस्थ 'ग्रहांवरून घेतली आहेत.

त्यामुळे पुणे आकाशवाणीवरून प्रसारित झालेल्या मूळ गाण्यांपेक्षा फडक्यांच्या आवाजातील ध्वनिमुद्रित झालेली (१९६५ आणि १९७९) गीते कितीतरी सरस आहेत.

मयेकरांनी ६० वर्षांच्या आपल्या कलाकीर्दीत गिरणगावातील कामगार रंगभूमीवरील हौशी नाटके, लोकनाट्ये, व्यावसायिक नाटके, आकाशवाणी, दूरदर्शन, चित्रपट, मालिका अशी चौफेर मुशाफिरी केली.

हा त्रिशंकू अजूनही आकाशात एका ताऱ्याच्या रूपात लटकत आहे.

आकाशगंगांच्या आयुष्यात त्या अशा महासमूहांमध्ये फिरत राहतात.

in a large degree's Usage Examples:

manufacturing houses in the world; and to its remarkable success may be in a large degree ascribed the position which Dundee attained as the chief seat of the.

regent was far superior to any that we could organize; it consisted in a large degree of the very purest and sweetest male voices to be found amongst the.

This development came about in a large degree due to the efforts by Alessandro Malaspina and his officers during.

But, it was something that was helped in a large degree by casting Robert Patrick.

Brooks partook in a large degree of the family characteristics, and in associations of prominence,.

The stabilization of the new state was in a large degree only feasible because of National Liberals" support as de facto ruling.

began to develop the Espectro de Ultratumba character further, adding in a large degree of theatrics to his matches, including using an actual coffin as part.

glories of the 18th century, which forms its golden age, and was, in a large degree due to the influence of French refugees who, with their families,.

Liliʻuokalani noted her brother"s group "consisted in a large degree of the very purest and sweetest male voices to be found amongst the.

The path into the occupation of a fence stemmed, in a large degree, from necessity.

lead, noting that a French expert had deemed lead paint "poisonous in a large degree, both for the workmen and for the inhabitants of a house painted with.

Power was held in a large degree by Han Chinese noble families of the Central Plains-based Northern.

In the July 1904 edition of its monthly publication, Sherwin-Williams reported the dangers of paint containing lead, noting that a French expert had deemed lead paint poisonous in a large degree, both for the workmen and for the inhabitants of a house painted with lead colors.


grind, property, sun protection factor, depth, level, intensiveness, moderation, extreme, mild, calibre, intense, low, quality, intensity, grade, lowness, SPF, amplitude level, high, caliber, highness, immoderation, immoderateness, moderateness,


low, mild, high, intense, immoderation, moderation,

in a large degree's Meaning in Other Sites