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imputed Meaning in marathi ( imputed शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

आरोपित, लादले, फेकले,


आरोप करणे,

imputed मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

च्या विरुद्ध दिशेने असते त्यामुळे वर फेकलेल्या वस्तू ची गती कमी कमी होत जाते व शेवटी ती शुन्य होते.

४७ असॉल्ट रायफली घेउन दोन दहशतवादी छत्रपती शिवाजी टर्मिनसच्या प्रवासी कक्षात घुसले आणि तेथे गोळ्या चालवून त्यांनी हातबॉम्ब फेकले.

अंबाला जवळील सीमेवर पोलिस दलांकडून आंदोलकांवर वॉटर तोफ व अश्रुधुराचे गोले प्रहार करण्यात आले; निदर्शकांनी नदीवर दगडफेक आणि पोलिसांचे बॅरिकेड्स फेकले.

उत्तर प्रदेशची रहिवासी असलेली अरुणिमा १२ एप्रिल २०११ रोजी लखनऊ येथून दिल्लीला जात असताना काही गुंडांनी तिला पद्मावती एक्स्प्रेसमधून बाहेर फेकले होते.

रावणाने फेकलेल्या सुदर्शन चक्रानेच रावणाचा नाश करण्याची आज्ञा रामाने लक्ष्मणाला केली व त्यानुसार  लक्ष्मणाने रावणाचा वध केला! ( वाल्मीकी रामायणात श्रीरामानेच दशानन रावणाचा वध केला आहे.

हलके वायूरेणू वर उंच फेकले जातात.

एका आख्यायिकेनुसार हनुमानाने महिकावती गावात जेव्हा रामलक्ष्मणांना वाचविण्यासाठी मही राक्षसाचा वध केला तेव्हा मही राक्षसाचे शीर धडावेगळे करुन उत्तर दिशेला फेकले ते ह्या गावात पडले आणि ह्या गावाचे नाव शिरगाव पडले.

ब्रिटीशपूर्व काळातील बहुतेक वंशपरंपरागत जमीनदार राजकीय क्षेत्रातून बाहेर फेकले गेले होते.

मोठा कुंभामध्ये ठेवला तरीही मासे वाढतच राहिले आणि म्हणून मनुने तळ्यात फेकले.

अतिनवताऱ्याच्या स्फोटामुळे त्यातील द्रव्य बाहेरच्या दिशेस फेकले जाऊन ऊर्जेमुळे ते आयोनित होतात व त्याच्यापासून ठोस वस्तूची निर्मिती होऊ शकते.

imputed's Usage Examples:

In a full service gross lease, outgoings (operating expenses) are paid by the landlord, but are imputed into the.

Courts have also frequently relied upon the observation of the majority of the High Court in Krakowski v Eurolynx Properties Ltd when considering the amount of knowledge that can be imputed to a company.

benefit to society is defined as the sum of the imputed monetary value of benefits and costs to all parties involved.

Once all missing values have been imputed, the data set can then be analysed using standard techniques for complete.

What changed is that the righteousness was seen as Christ's, which was credited (imputed) to Christians by God.

There are three forms of bias, namely, actual, imputed and apparent bias.

General descriptionAll societies have some basis for social stratification, and industrial societies are characterized by multiple dimensions to which some vertical hierarchy may be imputed.

However, although the Domesday Book records large numbers of manors in the north as waste, some historians have posited it was not possible for William's relatively small army to be responsible for such wide-scale devastation imputed to him, so perhaps raiding Danes or Scots may have contributed to some of the destruction.

While there are significant differences between imputed and infused righteousness, they can be regarded to a certain extent as differences in emphasis that are potentially complementary.

Arguments against the doctrine of imputed righteousness Many Christians, most notably of the Catholic and Holiness traditions, believe that when God declares someone righteous in Christ he actually makes that person righteous.

As wedlock was rightfully imputed to her in her virginity, so virginity is esteemed venerable in her as the mother of Jesus.

society is defined as the sum of the imputed monetary value of benefits and costs to all parties involved.

believed that imparted righteousness worked in tandem with imputed righteousness.


externalise, assign, sensualize, interiorize, carnalize, interiorise, project, blame, pass judgment, reattribute, attribute, anthropomorphize, ascribe, accredit, personify, judge, anthropomorphise, internalise, personate, credit, internalize, charge, externalize, evaluate,


approve, pass, disapprove, reject, fail,

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