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improvements Meaning in marathi ( improvements शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

सुधारणा, सोय, फायदा, आराम, संधी,


वाढवणे, कौतुक, उत्कृष्टता, वाढवा, विकास, सुधारणा,

improvements मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

द्रविडने मिळालेल्या संधीचा पुरेपूर फायदा करून घेतला.

की कोणत्याही प्रकारचा फायदा मिळणार नाही.

"दुसऱ्याचा फायदा होऊ नये म्हणून आपले नुकसान स्वीकारणे" हाच तो कळीचा मुद्दा, ज्याला कैदयांचा पेच असे म्हणले जाते.

याच गुणांचा फायदा त्यांना ब्रिटीशांविरुद्ध लढताना झाला.

एकल-स्टेज मध्ये अंडी उबवण्याचा फायदा म्हणजे वाढत्या भ्रूणाच्या गरजांनुसार हवामान परिस्थिती मध्ये बदल करता येतो.

जपानने या संधीचा फायदा आशियावर आपला प्रभाव वाढवण्यावर आणि प्रशांत महासागरात आपली मालकी वाढवण्यासाठी घेतला.

असे जरी असले तरी हे काम ते ग्रामीण भागामध्ये असताना जजमानी नातेसंबंधामध्ये करत होते परंतू आता तेच काम ते शहरी भागामध्ये जजमानी नातेसंबंधामध्ये करत नसल्यामुळे त्यातून त्यांना फायदा होत आहे.

परंतु बंदुका वापरण्याचे प्रशिक्षण नसल्याने त्यांना त्याचा फारसा फायदा उठवता आला नाही.

तसेच बंगालच्या सुपीक प्रांतावर अनेक प्रकारचे कर लादून मोठ्या प्रमाणात संपत्ती कमवण्यास सुरुवात केली याचा फायदा त्यांना आपली लष्करी ताकद वाढवण्यात झाला.

ह्या रोगांत माका दिल्यास फार फायदा होतो.

त्याच्या या दुबळेपणाचा फायदा घेऊन त्याच्या सामंतांनी स्वतंत्र राज्ये स्थापन केली.

शिवाजी महाराज व त्यांचा पुत्र संभाजी महाराज यांना ह्या कैदेत घातले होते जे योग्य संधीचा फायदा घेऊन येथून फरार झाले.

लीग मधील उच्च स्थानामुळे दुरदर्शन हक्कांमधे मोठा वाटा मिळतो म्हणुनच सततच्या यशाने क्लबला अधिकाधीक फायदा होत गेला.

improvements's Usage Examples:

In part because of this, and also to rush the 32X to market before the holiday season in 1994, the 32X suffered from a poor library of titles, including Mega Drive/Genesis ports with improvements to the number of colors that appeared on screen.

The trade route through Metemma remained important up to the beginning of the 20th century, but the introduction of rail transport to Sudan, as well as improvements to the roads inside Ethiopia robbed the town of its importance, until by E.

D2Hs The D2Hs was announced on February 16, 2005, adding several improvements to the D2H design, although with the same sensor and body.

TechnologyTechnological advancements during the 20th and 21st centuries have greatly impacted the field; chief among these are improvements in modern computing technology, as computer programs for the film and video industries became more powerful and more widely available during this period.

The party supported Clay"s American System of nationally financed internal improvements and a protective tariff.

The progress of Boston University has been acknowledged in many ways, including improved academic rankings and by bond rating improvements.

consumption), improved screening of several cancers (allowing for earlier diagnosis), and improvements in treatment.

When purchased in 1999 by the Nature Conservancy of Canada, the island had no physical improvements and had essentially become a nature preserve over the last ten years, hosting the occasional scientific visit, and curious boaters.

progressively got more efficient with improvements in irrigation, ploughing, manuring, storage and distribution.

As of late 2017, additional improvements and pedestrianisation works were proposed for Shop Street and the surrounding area.

the construction of the new Argentine Congress, begun in 1897, helped touch off improvements on Plaza Lorea before work on Congressional Plaza began.

Further improvements, notably the Gallery and Teremok, were completed by his successors.

In 1998 the consortium which had bought the club out of receivership seven years earlier decided that they were not prepared to pay for ground improvements required to remain in the Conference, and so the club was demoted back to the Isthmian League despite having finished in 8th place.


cleanup, fixture, rectification, modernisation, enrichment, humanisation, clarification, upgrade, fixing, correction, cleaning, betterment, redevelopment, tenderization, ventilation, airing, sweetening, stabilization, fix, mend, clearing, optimization, perfection, melioration, optimisation, upturn, enhancement, amelioration, cleansing, repair, reparation, development, renovation, change of state, humanization, stabilisation, mending, overhaul, reform, self-improvement, self-reformation, modernization, tenderisation,


destabilization, destabilisation, recede, break, worsen,

improvements's Meaning in Other Sites