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ill spent Meaning in marathi ( ill spent शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

अपचनीय, फालतू,

ill spent मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

यांशिवाय काही फालतू उपनिषदे आहेत, ती अशी :.

महात्मा गांधींचे पुतळे : गोहत्तीतल्या सरनिया टेकडीवरील गांधीमंडप नावाच्या उद्यानात असलेला रामकिंकर बैज यांनी सन १९७०मध्ये बनवलेला २० फुटी पुतळा : भाजपच्या एका फालतू नेत्याला हा पुतळा आवडत नसल्याने तो हटवण्याची मागणी झाली आहे.

स्वतःला फालतू समजण्याची गोष्ट (वैचारिक कादंबरी).

‘स्वतःला फालतू समजण्याची गोष्ट’ या पुस्तकासाठी श्री.

ill spent's Usage Examples:

cost hits a sour note: Some Montgomery council members think money is ill spent".

winter of 1941, soon after the Germans had occupied Paris, Picasso while ill spent three days writing a play.

trieth truth, and truth hath treason tripped; Thy faith bare fruit as thou hadst faithless been: Thy ill spent youth thine after years hath nipt; And God.

treason tripped; Thy faith bare fruit as thou hadst faithless been: Thy ill spent youth thine after years hath nipt; And God that saw thee hath preserved.

After a drugs bust, Sill spent time in jail where she kicked her heroin addiction and made a promise to pursue a songwriting career.


ill-omened, unfortunate, unlucky, ill-starred, doomed,


fortunate, achiever, lucky, privileged, successful,

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