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ignorances Meaning in marathi ( ignorances शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


ज्ञान किंवा शिक्षणाचा अभाव,


अननुभव, अविवेक, जड्या, अनोळखी, मूर्खपणा, शिक्षणाचा अभाव, जडत्व, बेशुद्ध, अज्ञान, क्रूरता,

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ignorances मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

नोरबेर्त विनर म्हणतात: "यंत्र शक्तीमध्ये मानवी श्रमांचे आर्थिक मूल्य आहे, पण गुलामगिरीत जी क्रूरता असते ती नाही.

त्रिपुरा भैरवीचे तिसरे रूप म्हणजे ललिता देवीची क्रूरता आणि शक्ती.

रिमांड होम, रेड क्रॉस सोसायटी, दमाणी रक्तपेढी, कुष्ठरोग निवारण संस्था, प्राणी क्रूरता निवारण संस्था (Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Society), International Year of Children Trust.

मानवी असंवेदनशीलता, क्रूरता कवीला अस्वस्थ करते.

ती कादंबरी एका अफघानी पुरुषावर आहे जो लयेकच्या नुसार अफघानिस्तानातील क्रूरता, शोकांतिका व वाढत्या अस्पष्टतेच प्रतिक आहे.

त्या दिवशीच सायंकाळी लाहोरच्या प्रचंड सभेत देशबंधू चित्तरंजन दास यांच्या पत्नी गरजल्या, ‘‘लालाजीकी चिता की आग ठंडी होने के पहलेही किसी भारतीय नौजवान ने इस क्रूरता का बदला लेना चाहिये!’’ त्यांच्या या शब्दांनी सरदार भगतसिंह व्याकूळ झाले.

मेनका गांधी यांनी भारतात चालविलेल्या पशु अधिकार चळवळीमुळे,व वन्यप्राणी क्रूरता नियंत्रण कायद्यामुळे व त्यात झालेल्या संशोधनामुळे (भारतीय प्राणी कल्याण कायदा-२०११) , हे खेळ बहुतांशी बंद झाले आहेत.

ignorances's Usage Examples:

This homophobic phenomenon and other ignorances perpetuate rape culture and put lesbian women at greater risk of rape.

(1876-1888) Les ignorances de la science moderne (1878) Son Altesse le Prince impérial (1879) Les.

modern world, if communities are unhappy, it is often because they have ignorances, habits, beliefs, and passions, which are dearer to them than happiness.

character exists not in opposition to political leaders, but to common ignorances; for example, his insistence that then-presidential candidate Barack Obama.

books Noble, Bobby (2004), "Queer pedagogies of the closet: teaching ignorances in the heteronormative classroom", in Prince, Althea; Silva-Wayne, Susan.

Robert Proctor has called "agnotology"—the study of culturally-induced ignorances—that serves as a counterweight to more traditional concerns for epistemology.

ignorant or misinformed point of views, which in turn lead to multiple ignorances.

published were judged to be false, and "stuffed with illegal assertions, ineptitudes, imperfections, clogged with gross ignorances, absurdities, and solecisms.

implies great trust; he is responsible for the mistakes, negligences, and ignorances of those he employs; and above all, he is to take care that the workmen"s.

Jesuit response was Les Impostures et les ignorances du libelle intitulé: La Théologie Morale des Jésuites ("The impostures and ignorance of the libel.

Postnormal times force us to focus on uncertainties, and the ignorances associated with them, that we will constantly encounter in the near and.

misery William Enckhausen defines half of these vrittis as spiritual ignorances and half spiritual developments.

His situation implies great trust; he is responsible for the mistakes, negligences, and ignorances of those he employs; and above all, he is to take care.


inexperience, content, unknowing, illiteracy, nescience, rawness, unknowingness, mental object, unenlightenment, ignorantness, cognitive content,


experience, enlightenment, disapproval, approval, unbelief,

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