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idolize Meaning in marathi ( idolize शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

मूर्ती बनवणे, आत्यंतिक प्रेम, देव बनवणे, आदर करणे, खूप आदर किंवा आपुलकी दाखवत आहे, पूजा करणे, लक्षात ठेवा,

निःसंशयपणे आणि निर्विवादपणे किंवा अत्यधिक प्रेम करा, एक मूर्ती म्हणून आदर,


आदर करणे, आत्यंतिक प्रेम, पूजा करणे,

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idolize मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

सामाजिक नितीनियमांचा आणि परंपरांचा आदर करणेही गरजेचे असते.

करारानुसार, क्रिमियामधील रशियन लष्करी घटकांवर कमाल 25,000 सैन्याचा समावेश होता, युक्रेनच्या सार्वभौमत्वाचा आदर करणे, त्याच्या कायद्याचा आदर करणे आणि देशाच्या अंतर्गत बाबींमध्ये हस्तक्षेप न करणे आणि त्यांची "लष्करी ओळखपत्रे" दर्शविण्याची आवश्यकता होती.

भारतीय संविधानात नमूद नागरीकांच्या कर्तव्याप्रमाणे भारतीय नागरीकांनी राष्ट्रगीतासोबतच राष्ट्रध्वजाचा आदर करणे अभिप्रेत असते.

माहेरील ज्येष्ठ नात्यांचा आदर करणे या वेळी योग्य ठरले.

idolize's Usage Examples:

deals with his eccentric family, including his strict grandmother, his bratty sister, and a younger brother who completely idolizes him.

scullery maid and prostitute Aldonza, whom the delusional Don Quixote idolizes as Dulcinea.

They also idolize socialist, third worldist and left-wing nationalist leaders like Yasser.

He grew up a New York Yankees fan and idolized Derek Jeter.

(Carlos Cuevas), who enters university to follow in the footsteps of his idolized professor at high school, Merlí.

however, he is pulled back as he idolizes the Abbott family, as well as obsesses about the oldest daughter, Alice (Joanna Going), thus seeking to jockey.

As the group idolized Earth"s villains, Wotan II idolized the original Wotan.

her of a sophisticated new girlfriend who idolizes him, but this only displeases him.

As Hollywood movies gained their popularities, general public idolized movie stars as their role models.

The lover (idolizer) accepts the independence of his mistress and tries to make himself worthy.

actors were added to the leading cast including Dai Qianyun as Mark Lee"s idolizer, and Cheryl Chin as Mark Lee and Christopher Lee"s love interest.

disliked any direct publicity about his personality and did not wish to be idolized.

references the 1936 film of the same name, starring Shirley Temple, whom Warhol idolized as a child.


idolise, hero-worship, slobber over, drool over, adore, worship, revere,


hate, inactivity, miss, disesteem, disrespect,

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