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ideally Meaning in marathi ( ideally शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

आदर्शपणे, माझ्या मनात, तद्वतच,


माझ्या मनात, तद्वतच,

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ideally मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

या चळवळीची विहित उद्दिष्टे सफल न झाल्याने तद्वतच एक वर्षात स्वराज्य मिळवून देण्याची गांधीजीनी केलेली घोषणाही प्रत्यक्षात न उतरल्याने काही तरुणांचा गांधीजीच्या अहिंसक ल्द्ध्याव्रील विश्वास उडून स्वराज्यप्राप्तीसाठी अन्य पर्याय शोधण्यास त्यांनी सुरवात केली.

त्या ज्याप्रमाणे एकात एक घुसलेल्या असतात तद्वतच.

जशी प्रतिभेला वास्तवाची गरज भासते, तद्वतच कल्पनेलाही जीवनाचे पंख असणे आवश्यक असते आणि अनुभूतीला सहानुभूतीची जोड नसेल, तर आपण का लिहितो याचा पत्ताच लागणे शक्य नाही.

याशिवाय येथील अधिकाऱ्याच्या वेतनाचा, तद्वतच ब्रिटिशांना साम्राज्यविस्तारासाठी लागणाऱ्या सैन्याचा खर्चही भारतीय तिजोरीवर पडत होता.

झाडावर दिसणारी कळी म्हणजे प्रत्यक्षात फारच लहान लहान कळ्यांचा समूह असतो तद्वतच दिसणारे फुलही लहान लहान फुलांचा समूह असतो.

तद्वतच भारतातील काही नेत्यांनी राष्ट्रवादातून साम्यवाद स्वीकारला व नवीन लोकशाही समाजवादाचा स्वीकार केला.

तद्वतच अनौचित्यही अपेक्षित असते.

ideally's Usage Examples:

In this case the exhaust would ideally stop dead in space behind the moving vehicle, taking away zero energy, and from.

a superconducting sample, which can be considered either as a perfect diamagnet or an ideally hard superconductor, easily levitates in an ambient external.

(a swatch) is made, ideally in the stitch pattern used in the garment.

Directly behind the Narva River lay the city itself, ideally positioned as a bastion from which defending forces could influence combat to both the north and south of the city along the river valley.

A picnic is a meal taken outdoors (al fresco) as part of an excursion – ideally in scenic surroundings, such as a park, lakeside, or other place affording.

soliloquy by the king, the players being placed on stage (ideally) in large birdcages, and climaxes in his snatching and smashing the violin.

Arneson developed call for pencil and paper, six-sided dice, rulers and protractors, and model ships, ideally of 1:1200 scale.

Transliteration is not primarily concerned with representing the sounds of the original but rather with representing the characters, ideally accurately.

His first film job was as a property man at the studios, before realising that his skills made him ideally suited.

In-place matrix transposition, also called in-situ matrix transposition, is the problem of transposing an N×M matrix in-place in computer memory, ideally.

Because schemas coexist as a network, accommodations can introduce accidental, maladaptive conflicts and therefore are ideally.

and the room behind seem ideally suited for formal rituals involving processionals proceeding up the stairway and into a sacred precinct while the general.

An open-source ventilator is a disaster-situation ventilator made using a freely licensed (open-source) design, and ideally, freely available components.

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