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honeymoon Meaning in marathi ( honeymoon शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

मधुचंद्र, नवविवाहित जोडप्याची पहिली सुट्टी,



honeymoon मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

चंद्रावर मधुचंद्र (नाटक).

यासाठी मधुचंद्राचे रात्री पलंगावर एक पांढरा कपडा अंथरला जातो.

राजाभाऊ मालतीसोबत सैर करणार मधुचंद्राच्या आठवणींची.

या समाजातील मुलींना लग्न झाल्यावर मधुचंद्राचे वेळी अत्यंत कठीण अशी कौमार्य परिक्षा द्यावी लागते.

होणाऱ्या नवऱ्याने लग्नास नकार दिल्यावर आत्मविश्वास गमावलेली रानी एकटीच मधुचंद्र साजरा करण्यासाठी पॅरिस आणि ॲम्स्टरडॅमला जाते आणि जगातील विविध अनुभव घेउन आत्मविश्वास परत मिळवून येते.

रंगल्या रात्री अशा, पाठलाग, पाहू रे किती वाट, थोरातांची कमळा, पडछाया, चिमणराव-गुंड्याभाऊ, पेडगावचे शहाणे, जुनं ते सोनं, संथ वाहते कृष्णामाई, सुखाची सावली, वैशाख वणवा, मधुचंद्र, यशोदा इत्यादी चित्रपटातील त्यांचे संगीत विलक्षण गाजले.

सन १९६८ मध्ये निघालेल्या मधुचंद्र या मराठी चित्रपटापासून काशीनाथ घाणेकर एक मोठा मराठी चित्रपट स्टार बनले.

माडगूळकर; चित्रपट - मधुचंद्र १९६७, स्वर महेन्द्र कपूर, संगीत एन दत्ता).

या परिक्षेत कॉपी होऊ नये म्हणून मधुचंद्राचे आधी, घरातील ज्येष्ठ महिला सदस्य, विवाहित मुलींने जवळ ब्लेड अथवा सुई इत्यादी तर बाळगले नाही याची याची तिला विवस्त्र करून खात्री करतात.

honeymoon's Usage Examples:

In the episode, Peter and Lois go on a second honeymoon to spice up their marriage, but are chased by Mel Gibson after Peter steals the sequel to The Passion of the Christ from Gibson's private hotel room.

Page married Benedicto on July 23, 2011, and the couple spent their honeymoon in Paris.

Hell on EarthWhen trying to take a honeymoon vacation, Jamie and Layla were attack by a legion of zombie while the rest of the team are attacked by a mysterious force.

Estorick and his German-born English wife Salome (1920–1989) discovered Umberto Boccioni’s book Futurist Painting and Sculpture (1914) while they were on their honeymoon in 1947.

series, she photographed herself alone in an American couples-only honeymoon resort.

Pierre Elliott Trudeau, the bachelor Prime Minister of Canada since 1968, honeymooning at Alta Lake at the condominium owned by his new in-laws, former federal.

They had a short honeymoon tour involving a stay in the Crimea, then returned to Saint Petersburg and moved into a flat in the Muruzi House, which Merezhkovsky's mother had rented and furnished for them as a wedding gift.

First happiness and first tragedyThe newlyweds spent their honeymoon in Quillota and in the Cauquenes's hot springs.

In 1901 Charles Greene married Alice Gordon White, and they honeymooned in Europe and her native England.

The plot around a honeymooning couple at an isolated cottage on Exmoor.

Governor John Weir Troy, in the Alaska Governor"s Mansion in Juneau; they honeymooned in Mount McKinley Park.

On the way to their honeymoon, they discover Max's one-eyed bulldog, Lucky, in the car with them, being put there by John earlier as a prank.

of Amy being scared by the fevered Yanko is based on an incident during Conrad"s 1896 honeymoon in France when, in a fevered delirium, he reverted to his.


vacation, holiday,


middle, beginning, uptime,

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