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home rule Meaning in marathi ( home rule शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

गृह नियम, स्वायत्तता,



home rule मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

२००४ मध्ये शैक्षणिक व प्रशासकीय स्वायत्तता मिळाल्यानंतर व्हीजेटीआय प्रशासक मंडळाच्या कारभारात कार्यरत झाले.

आता या संस्थांना स्वायत्तता मिळाली आहे.

जुलै २००६ पासून या अभियांत्रिकी महाविद्यालयाला स्वायत्तता प्रदान करण्यात आली असून, स्वतंत्र विद्यापिठाचा दर्जा देण्यात आला आहे.

इब्न हजर यांच्या मते, बुखारीने सूचित केले की जर कोणी आपले कृत्य तयार करण्यात स्वायत्तता स्वीकारत असेल तर तो देवाची भूमिका बजावेल असे मानले जाईल आणि नंतर त्याला बहुदेववादी घोषित केले जाईल.

बेल्जियममध्ये दोन भिन्न भाषिक प्रदेश आहेत व ह्या प्रदेशांना बव्हंशी स्वायत्तता आहे.

सर्व स्थानिक प्रशासकीय बाबींवर त्यांची स्वायत्तता होती.

ही स्वायत्तता सेवा दलाने पुढेही अबाधित ठेवली.

पुरुष चरित्रलेख भारतीय राज्यघटनेच्या सहाव्या अनुसूचीत स्वायत्त प्रशासकीय विभागांच्या स्थापनेस परवानगी देण्यात आली आहे ज्यांना आपापल्या राज्यात स्वायत्तता देण्यात आली आहे.

१९९७ मध्ये सार्वजनिक क्षेत्रातील उद्योगांना स्वायत्तता प्रदान करण्यासाठी " नवरत्न आणि मिनिरत्न शृंखला " सुरू करण्यात आली.

आम्ही अद्याप शारीरिक स्वायत्तता आणि जननेंद्रियाच्या अखंडतेसाठी लढा देत आहोत आणि हा ध्वज आम्ही कोण आणि कसेआहोत ह्या आमच्या हक्काचे प्रतीक आहे.

२००९ मध्ये स्वायत्तता मिळाली.

home rule's Usage Examples:

ReferencesIrkutsk OblastIrkutskIndigenous music The List of urban townships in Ohio provides an alphabetical listing of the Ohio townships which have adopted limited home rule government as prescribed by Chapter 504.

The Indian Home Rule movement was a movement in British India on the lines of Irish Home Rule movement and other home rule movements.

The United Kingdom announced plans for limited home rule for Scotland and Wales, with each to have their own elected unicameral legislatures and control over local government services, in what was seen as a plan to thwart independence movements in both countries.

A Colorado home rule municipality may.

The Irish Home Rule movement was a movement that campaigned for self-government (or "home rule") for Ireland within the United Kingdom of Great Britain.

It was not until the split in the Liberal Party over Irish home rule in 1886 that the Conservatives were able to achieve truly secure majorities through the defection of the Liberal Unionists.

At least 5,000 people are required to reside in unincorporated areas of a township for that township to adopt limited home rule government.

The customs officials suspected that the cargo might contain weapons to arm militant Icelandic home rulers who sought independence from Denmark.

When Greenland was granted home rule, the present flag — with a graphic design unique to Greenland — was adopted in June 1985, supported by fourteen votes against eleven who supported a proposed green-and-white Nordic cross.

However, by 1967 Labour retreated from endorsing home rule mainly because of the open hostility expressed by other Welsh Labour MPs to anything which could be interpreted as a concession to nationalism and because of opposition by the Secretary of State for Scotland, who was responding to a growth of Scottish nationalism.

Irish Home Rule movement compelled the British government to introduce bills that would give Ireland a devolved government within the UK (home rule).

The remark was made during a hearing on home rule for the District of Columbia, which Rarick testified against"mdash;at one point, he described the district as a sinkhole, rat infested"nbsp;.

Article Nine contains seven Sections concerning counties; home rule for counties and municipalities; intergovernmental relations; taxation power of county and municipal governments; limitation on local debt; revenue bonds and community improvement districts.


home away from home, place, abode, residence, home from home,


destabilize, deactivation, finish, ending, end,

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