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hinged Meaning in marathi ( hinged शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

मनगटावर टांगलेली, बिजागर, वळा, काज, अवलंबून राहणे,




अवलंबून राहणे, काज,

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hinged मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

सर्वसाधारणपणे सांगायचे झाले तर पाण्याच्या प्रदूषणास प्रतिबंध करण्यासाठी शासकीय यंत्रणेवर अवलंबून राहणे आवश्यक आहे.

पाचवा आणि शेवटचा मुद्दा म्हणजे, प्रत्येक बाबतीत शासनावर अवलंबून राहणे सोडून द्यायला हवे.

उदाहरणार्थ, बंद पुस्तक चाचणीत चाचणी घेणार्‍यास सामान्यत: विशिष्ट वस्तूंना प्रतिसाद देण्यासाठी मेमरीवर अवलंबून राहणे आवश्यक असते तर खुल्या पुस्तक चाचणीमध्ये चाचणी घेणारा एक किंवा अधिक पूरक साधने वापरू शकतो जसे की संदर्भ पुस्तक किंवा कॅल्क्युलेटर प्रतिसाद देताना .

मध्यम पातळीवरील लेखकांची भूमिका काढून टाकणे, ज्येष्ठ लेखकांवर अवलंबून राहणे आणि इतर लेखकांना थोडे अधिक स्वातंत्र्य देणे या गोष्टींवर आधारित अलीकडील कल असल्याचे एस्पेंसन यांनी नमूद केले.

hinged's Usage Examples:

A servo tab is a small hinged device installed on an aircraft control surface to assist the movement of the control surfaces.

Some aircraft have hinged rudder trim tabs that the pilot can adjust in flight.

typical release for the Epitaph label -- aggressive punk with unhinged, snotty vocals and lyrics that alternate between goofy humor and angst-filled catharsis.

language and reality wherein any explanation of reality that defies or overburdens these semantic structures, namely metaphysics, becomes unhinged.

Operable skylight An operable (venting) unit skylight uses a hinged sash.

portcullis, which is raised and lowered vertically using mechanical means, yetts are hinged in the manner of a traditional gate or door, and secured by bolts.

The two gradually become unhinged as production goes on, and after Oda angrily fires Saruta, Saruta beats him to death and takes the finished copy of the first episode, planning to drive it to the studio, only to be pursued by Lil Slugger, who suddenly appears in the back of his car and beats him to death.

The serrated hinged terrapin (Pelusios sinuatus) is a species of turtles in the family Pelomedusidae.

An articulator is a mechanical hinged device used in dentistry to which plaster casts of the maxillary (upper) and mandibular (lower) jaw are fixed, reproducing.

hinged, allowing him to don it and had an inbuilt disperser so he did not fog up the inside of his helmet by his breathing.

Shells are D-shaped, and attached to the substrate with strong byssal fibers, which come out of their umbo on the dorsal (hinged) side.

snatch block A block with one cheek that is hinged, so that the bight of a rope can.


strap hinge, swing door, car door, flexible joint, joint hinge, swinging door, pintle, bi-fold door, French door, joint, butt hinge, exterior door, outside door, gate, tee hinge, T hinge,


unshared, segregated, distributive, divided, separate,

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