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higher education Meaning in marathi ( higher education शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

उच्च शिक्षण, प्रगत शिक्षण,


प्रगत शिक्षण,

higher education मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

नंतर कॅनडातील शेरिडन इन्स्टिट्यूट ऑफ टेक्नॉलॉजी आणि प्रगत शिक्षणातून संगणक ॲनिमेशनमध्ये पदवी मिळवली.

विद्यापीठाच्या गणित विभागाला 'गणितातील प्रगत शिक्षण देणारे केंद्र' हा दर्जा प्रदान.

प्रगत शिक्षण संस्थेची स्थापना.

याच कामाची परिणती पुढे हळूहळू प्रगत शिक्षण संस्थेच्या स्थापनेत झाली.

आर्थिक अडचणींमुळे त्यांना परदेशात प्रगत शिक्षण घेणे सोपे नव्हते, म्हणून अमेरिकन शासकीय हवाई विद्यापीठाकडून अनुदान मिळाले तेव्हा त्यांनी त्यांचे शिक्षण पूर्ण केले.

जाई निंबकर यांच्या साहाय्याने मॅक्सीन बर्नस्टन यांनी फलटण येथे प्रगत शिक्षण संस्थेची स्थापना केली.

१९३५:एस्कनाबा, मिशिगन, अमेरिका - हयात) या सातारा जिल्ह्यातल्या फलटण येथील प्रगत शिक्षण संस्थेच्या संस्थापिका होत.

प्रगत शिक्षण-संस्था, फलटण ह्या संस्थेचे संकेतस्थळ (मराठी आवृत्ती).

त्यानंत पुढे यानंतर २८ आठवड्यांचे प्रगत शिक्षण पूर्ण करून सैनिक आपापल्या रेजिमेंटमध्ये टॅंक क्रू म्हणून रुजू होत्तात.

higher education's Usage Examples:

The Conservatoire de musique et d"art dramatique du Québec (CMADQ) is a public network of nine state-subsidised schools offering higher education in music.

higher education in the UK Complete University Guide Alternatives to full time study Alternative education timetable A guide to part-time higher education.

He was born in the South, received higher education in Hanoi, and after graduation, was sent to Phnom Penh, Cambodia, to work for the French government.

Seventeen previously established schools, including some of the faculties of Ege University and other institutions of higher education, were affiliated with the university the same year.

The polytechnic system, that began offering higher education in the 1980s after the former industrial and commercial schools were converted into engineering and administration higher education schools (so its origins could be traced back to some earlier vocational education schools of the 19th century).

higher education qualifications that are also titled degrees (e.

higher education institution but provides illegitimate academic degrees and diplomas for a fee.

language organizations, linguists, institutions of higher education, and key industry partners to strengthen endangered languages.

MissionHarold Washington College is a learning-centered, urban institution of higher education offering accessible and affordable opportunities for academic advancement, career development and personal enrichment.

go in for higher education have been trained by us in skills and are gainfully employed in various well-known industries.

The UCAS tariff is a points system used to report achievement for entry to higher education (HE) in a numerical format.


education, pedagogy, educational activity, teaching, didactics, instruction,


inactivity, unenlightenment, inexperience,

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