having Meaning in marathi ( having शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
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having मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:
बंगाल्यातील जमीनदारीची वहिवाट (१८८६).
या पुस्तकात रिकार्डो यांनी तत्कालीन जमीनदारी व्यवस्थेची टीका केली.
हैदराबाद येथे आल्यावर मात्र त्याचे लक्ष तेव्हा तेलंगणात सुरू असलेल्या जमीनदारीविरोधातील चळवळीकडे गेले.
महाराष्ट्रातील संस्था ८वे राज्यस्तरीय राष्ट्रसंत विचारकृती संमेलन २०-२१ फेब्रुवारी २०१३ या दिवशी कोकण(जमीनदारी) या गोंदिया जिल्ह्यातील गावी होणार आहे.
छत्रपती शाहू महाराजांच्या शासनकाळात या घराण्याची जमीनदारी पेशव्यांनी काढून घेतली होती.
१३व्या शतकात भूमिहार ब्राह्मणांनी वसवलेले बेतिया शहर अनेक दशके येथील बेतिया राज नावाच्या घराणेशाही व जमीनदारीसाठी ओळखले जात असे.
जमीनदार हे त्यांच्या जमीनदारीच्या स्थानापासून दूर शहरात राहत असल्यामुळे शेतकर्यांच्या खडतर जीवनाची व त्यांना भोगाव्या लागत असलेल्या हालअपेष्टांची त्यांना कल्पना नसे.
हा कोहळी समाज जमीनदारी आणि मालगुजारी करायचा.
त्यांनी काढलेला काचेचा कारखाना, करूळच्या शाळेचा आणि वनराईचा त्यांचा उपक्रम, आमराईचा अनुभव, जमीनदारीचे प्रकरण, रत्नागिरीत भरलेल्या मराठी साहित्य संमेलनाचे अध्यक्षपद, कोमसापची उभारणी, केशवसुतांच्या स्मारकाची निर्मिती इत्यादी प्रकरणांच्या रंजक व उद्बोधक हकिकती त्यांनी कथन केल्या आहेत.
वरोड्यापासून पाच-एक मैलांवरील गोरजे गावाची जमीनदारी आमटे घराण्याकडे होती.
पुढे औद्योगिक क्रांतीमुळे जमीनदारी व्यवस्थाच नाहीशी झाली व रिकार्डो यांचे असमतोलाचे भाकीत खोटे ठरले.
तेलंगण प्रदेशात शेतीची रचना जमीनदारी पद्धतीची होती.
जमीनदारी उन्मूलन कायद्याची घटनात्मक वैधता पूर्णपणे सुरक्षित करणे आणि भाषण स्वातंत्र्यावर वाजवी बंधन घालणे.
having's Usage Examples:
also contains a table canon ("Quaerendo invenietis"), which combines retrogression with inversion by having one player turn the music upside down.
The following morning, they spot three Nazi pilots floating on a rubber dinghy in the middle of the nearby lake, clearly having bailed out of the plane.
But the sentence I found is different, almost an apology or explanation for having got herself into such trouble; she is seeking comfort and support in simple, short but meaningful words.
electorate, however, having helped to end the War of the Spanish Succession and agreeing on the Treaty of Utrecht.
This change was marketed in the 1954 Marlin catalog, as having numerous advantages that this new form of rifling had, including better accuracy, ease of cleaning, elimination of gas leakage, higher velocities and lower chamber pressures.
Frankie having been exposed to Agent Orange that the US was spraying as a defoliant over Vietnam) and junkie friends.
Jack rescues Santa from a train-contraption, but Oogie, having become enraged by Jack constantly foiling his plans, leaves in Santa's sleigh full of Christmas presents.
Semifinal 8While not having quite the dominant lead that his countryman Just had in the sixth heat, Crawford won by fifteen yards.
England, some Doubts as to his divinity; tho" it is a question I do not dogmatize upon, having never studied it, and I think it needless to busy myself.
1969, British explorer Sir Wally Herbert became the first person to indubitably reach the Pole on foot, having sledged from Alaska.
When Crompton retired he was succeeded by Stephen Turner, who joined the school having been Head at Golborne High School in Wigan – he retired in 2012.
Swangard was not present on the day of the opening, having been sent to start a newspaper in Nigeria.
being repentant for one"s misdeeds, atoning for those misdeeds, and having a strong determination to forsake those misdeeds (remorse, resolution, and.
hold, feature, have got, stock, monopolise, keep, wield, monopolize, hold on, maintain, exert, carry, stockpile, sustain, bear,
tasteful, substantiality, absorb, inhale, lose,