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hands Meaning in marathi ( hands शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)





hands मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

नोकरीच्या काळात पुरेसा वेळ देता येत नसल्यामुळे जी कामे शक्‍य झाली नाहीत, ती त्यांनी सेवानिवृत्तीच्या नंतर हाती घेतली.

जपानच्या इम्पीरियल हाऊसच्या हातात जरी सत्ता दिसत असली तरी खरी सत्ता फुजीवारा वंशाच्या ताब्यात होती.

खांग्यापासून हात तुटलेला असणे, कोपरापासून किंवा ममनगटापासून तुटलेल्या ठिकाणी बसवल्या जाणाऱ्या भागांना वरील भागाचे कृत्रिम अंग म्हणतात.

नव्या पिढीला गांधी स्वतःच्या भाषेत समजावून सांगण्याच्या हातोटीमुळे ते लोकप्रिय होते.

नंतर हातानेच प्लास्टीकच्या पेपरवर मध्यमसर थापावे.

) असतात तर उजव्या हाताला व्यंजनाक्षरांची चिन्हे असतात.

कंसाने दगडावर आपटून जिला मारायचा प्रयत्‍न केला आणि जी त्याच्या हातातून निसटून गेली, तीच ही यशोदा-कन्या, असे सांगितले जाते.

या काळात, सरकारची सर्व शक्ती शोगनच्या हातात असायची आणि ते सम्राटाच्या नावाने देशावर अधिकृतपणे राज्य करायचे.

पण या दरम्यान मी सतत स्वतःला बजावत होतो ‛इथुन गावी रिकाम्या हाताने परत जायचं नाही’.

सॉलोमन द्वीपांच्या पूर्वेस अमेरिकन सैन्य दबा धरुन बसल्याचा अंदाज बांधून त्याने तेथे आपली टेहळणी विमाने पाठवली पण ती रिकाम्या हातानेच परतली.

ही उजव्या हाताना फलंदाजी आणि आणि लेग स्पिन गोलंदाजी करायची.

ह्यामुळे अनेक संगणकीय जाळ्यांनी एकमेकांशी हातमिळवणी केली.

hands's Usage Examples:

Goff and Roberts subsequently left the series, and Goff had said [the producers] wanted us to write in a lot of car chases and to put guns in the hands of the girls; we walked.

progressive spastic paraplegia, skeletal anomalies of the hands and feet with brachydactyly type E, cone-shaped epiphyses, abnormal metaphyseal–phalangeal pattern.

Points are added from the two hands and from the crib and given a running total.

Decisions about book selections and the library's program were in the hands of an all-male faculty committee instead of the female librarian.

a Barbarous manner I cri"d murther murther then they stopp"d my mouth I puled out the cloth and told Rod: Macleod I knew him their hard rude hands bleed.

The starter combines with the crib and the two hands to each form a five-card cribbage hand, much the same way as the community cards in Texas hold 'em poker.

The Seljuk atabeg of Damascus, Toghtekin, launched a military campaign to prevent the loss of the area and reached a short-lived accommodation with the Crusaders whereby Masyaf and Hisn al-Akrad would remain in Muslim hands, but have to pay tribute to the Crusaders.

Mini-baccarat is a comparing card game played between two hands, the player and the banker.

ancient Egyptian courts: eliciting confessions by beating with a double rod, smiting their feet and hands, reconstructing the crime on site, and imprisonment.

routers delay binding the client session to the server until the proper handshakes are complete so as to prevent denial-of-service attacks.

The umpire will consider such factors as whether the runner made an effort to touch the plate and whether he lowered his shoulder or used his hands, elbows or arms when approaching the catcher.

It is a bronze statue of an infantryman, with his rifle pointing downwards, his hands resting on the butt and his head slightly bowed.

was to have depicted "two friends, in hunter"s garb, their right hands clasped, their left resting on each other"s shoulders, their feet on the verge.


guardianship, keeping, safekeeping, custody,


veer, back, overgarment, weakening, strengthening,

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