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half sister Meaning in marathi ( half sister शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

सावत्र बहीण, सावत्र बहिण,


सावत्र बहिण,

half sister मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

तिच्या वडिलांच्या अकाली निधनाच्या पार्श्वभूमीवर, सिंड्रेलाला तिची क्रूर सावत्र आई आणि ईर्ष्यापूर्ण सावत्र बहिणींच्या देखरेखीखाली सोडले जाते, ज्या सतत तिच्याशी गैरवर्तन करतात, सिंड्रेलाला तिच्या स्वत: च्या घरात एक शिल्पी दासी म्हणून काम करण्यास भाग पाडते.

महाराणा यांच्या दोन सावत्र बहिणी होत्या.

तिचे वडील रिचर्ड विल्यम्स व आई ओरॅसीन प्राइस हे दोघे आफ्रिकन अमेरिकन वंशाचे असून सेरेनाला व्हीनस ही सख्खी तर येटुंडे, लिंड्रेया व इशा ह्या तीन सावत्र बहिणी आहेत ज्यांपैकी येटुंडेचा २००३ साली अपघाती मृत्यू झाला.

half sister's Usage Examples:

Her other siblings include half sisters Thessalonike and Cynane, and half-brother Philip III of Macedon.

either parent"s sister (aunt), his sister, his half sister, a woman who has nursed from the same woman as he, his sister-in-law (wife"s sister) while still.

The tales of Goodkind's early years describe his family – his mother and father, his sister, his mother's father and father's mother, his mother's half sister, and a tribe of more distant uncles, aunts and cousins (the 'Mishpokha', Yiddish for 'family').

He lives with his neglective stepmother and friendly but annoying half sister.

Alison and James are left in peril as they race to stop Wayne from unknowingly marrying his half sister Mary but their light aircraft runs out of fuel and following a mayday call it crashes to the ground.

She also has two half brothers and one half sister.

Joan la Warre was a half sister of John la Warr, 4th Baron De La Warr, and when he died without issue she became heiress to her younger half-brother, Thomas la Warr, 5th Baron De La Warr.

In 1903, Ignazio the Wolf Lupo, the Sicilian Mafia boss in Little Italy, Manhattan, married Morello's half sister Salvatrice.

Siblings, half siblings, and three-quarter siblings Donna and David are full siblings; Emily is their three-quarter sibling and Frank"s half sister.

the Duchess of Leinster, was a Regency brunette beauty known for her gallantries, and half sister of one of Mary [Shelley’s] heroes, the dead Lord Edward.

A frustrated Antipater publicly accused Cleopatra of being involved with Perdiccas in her half sister Cynane's death.

Both claimants had a legal right due to the fact that Philip's grandfather, Louis XIV of France and Charles's father, Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor, were both the husbands of Charles' older half sisters and sons of Charles' aunts.

Kidd also has a half brother, the entrepreneur Nick D'Arcy Whiting (born 1962) and a half sister Debbie Parris (born 1964).


stepsister, sis, half-sister, sister,


brother, male sibling, nonmember, half-brother, big brother,

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