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habits Meaning in marathi ( habits शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

निसर्ग, स्वभाव, मानसिक स्वभाव, अभिसरण, कपडे, शारीरिक प्रवृत्ती, संस्कार, सवयी,


निसर्ग, स्वभाव, मानसिक स्वभाव, अभिसरण, कपडे, शारीरिक प्रवृत्ती, संस्कार, सवयी,

habits मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

वाईट सवयी Madyapana in marathi.

व्यक्तिमत्त्व व सवयी.

कधीकधी कारण नसताना पुरूषार्थाचा, पुरूष असण्याचा भाग म्हणून किंवा शाब्दिक सवयीचा भाग म्हणूनही शिव्या दिल्या जातात.

शेपटी खालीवर हलविण्याच्या तिच्या सवयीमुळे हा डाग ठळक दिसतो.

लोकांच्या वाचण्याच्या सवयी बदलण्याबरोबरच तिथल्या जाहिराती देणाऱ्या ग्राहकांची मानसिकता बदलणे हे एक मोठे आव्हान असते.

मुदतीचा ताप आजार एका व्यक्तीकडून दुसर्‍या व्यक्तीकडे संक्रमित होण्याचे कारण अस्वच्छ सवयी.

पहिले चार भोसले सैन्य प्रमुख होते जे सैनिकांच्या सवयी असलेले व इतर सर्व मुख्य अधिकाऱ्यांशी सतत परिचित संवाद साधून खडबडीत होते.

गरज आहे ती फक्त चंगळवादी वृत्ती बदलण्याची, काही सवयी अंगी बानवण्याची व डोळसपणे निसर्गाकडे बघण्याची.

- अयोग्य हस्तमैथुन सवयी.

कुंतीने नेहमीच्या सवयीप्रमाणे भिक्षा 'सर्व भावंडांनी वाटून घ्या' असे म्हटले.

कला नकलाकार हा, एखादे पात्र वा व्यक्ति यांची हुबेहुब वेषभुषा करून त्या व्यक्तिच्या सवयी,लकबी, वेगळेपण, आवाज,हावभाव हे जवळजवळ त्याच व्यक्तिसारखे करून त्याची नक्कल सादर करणारा व त्याद्वारे लोकांचे मनोरंजन करणारा एक कलाकार असतो.

habits's Usage Examples:

derived from "the feast of sorceries" due to local folklore suggesting an evil spirit of Ain Al-Horsh inhabits the springs of Lebanon.

Logging for timber and charcoal production are the most prominent threats, but locals are also known to hunt the kipunji due to its crop-destroying habits or simply as a food source.

Apart from that, people with habits such as nail biting, chewing tobacco, lip or tongue piercing, and having occupation such as joiner, are subjected to higher risks of abrasion.

[citation needed] The pocket size of transistor radios sparked a change in popular music listening habits.

The reason for these peculiar feeding habits is the lack of fresh water on these birds' home islands.

Toombs had emotive oratory and a strong physical presence, but his intemperate habits and volatile personality limited his career.

The Firefighters' Company ranks 103rd in the livery companies' order of precedence and is based at The Wax Chandlers' Hall on Gresham Street a building it co-habits with the Worshipful Company of Wax Chandlers.

It is a well-camouflaged, solitary brown bird that unobtrusively inhabits marshes and the coarse vegetation at the edge of lakes and.

The pendulum would swing back toward the medieval model, where students could enjoy significant autonomy in their choice of residence and habits.

times been cited as the most popular curry in the UK, replacing chicken tikka masala in surveys of public eating habits.

vulpes pilum mutat, non mores the fox changes his fur, not his habits By extension, and in common morality.

Aneyama has terrible, unusual and inhuman habits, like bath on a pool filled with virgins' blood.

He loved the rough-and-tumble of democratic habits, and remembered his diplomatic dignity only when he could use it as a weapon against a secretary of state.


wont, tradition, custom,


refrain, supply, inutility, uselessness,

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