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gulps Meaning in marathi ( gulps शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

गल्प्स, फक्त, प्रविष्ट करा, गिळणे,


फक्त, प्रविष्ट करा, गिळणे,


गिळणे, ढोक खेळ,

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gulps मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

तोंडामध्ये पुरळ उठल्यास पाणी पिणे किंवा अन्न गिळणे कठीण होते.

महाभारतात शाप, माशाने अंगठी गिळणे, वगैरे काही नाही.

विकिप्रकल्प वैद्यकशास्त्र मानवी शरीराची हालचाल न होणे, स्पर्श,गंध,दिसणे,गिळणे,बोलणे आदी शरीर सुस्थितीत असतांना सहजपणे घडणाऱ्या क्रिया न करता येणे यास बेशुद्धी म्हणतात.

कामाच्या ठिकाणी रॉकेलचा श्वास घेणे, गिळणे, त्वचेचा संपर्क आणि डोळ्यांमधील संपर्क यामुळे लोक संपर्कात येऊ शकतात.

मेंदूच्या ज्या भागावर परिणाम होतो, त्यानुसार रुग्णाची आकलनक्षमता, शिकणे, बोलणे आणि संवाद साधणे, श्रवण क्षमता, अन्न गिळणे, बुद्धी, स्वभाव, संवेदना, तसेच दृष्टीवरील परिणाम अशा प्रकारचे दोष निर्माण होतात.

जलद गतीने अन्न गिळणे.

gulps's Usage Examples:

Early optimism on the opening tracks transmutes into full desolation by the closing hack-gulps at the end.

The par number represents how many drinks/sips/gulps it should take to complete the drink assigned.

In pinocytosis, a cell takes in ("gulps") extracellular fluid into vesicles, which are.

pleats to expand the mouth to take in huge gulps of water.

Drinking in 3 gulps slowly Using the right hand for drinking and eating.

Cao Cao then gives the cup of wine - still warm - to Guan Yu who gulps down the wine victoriously.

Jerry then gulps several cups of coffee to stay awake and prevent himself from attacking.

They are also able to rise to the surface and take gulps of air, which gives them a short burst of energy.

Thor agrees to compete in a drinking contest but after three immense gulps fails.

"The Register, Commtouch gulps down Icelandic anti-virus pioneer FRISK".

That night, Newton crawls from his bowl and gulps down several mouthfuls of Zippo.

"NET SPECIAL REPORT: Tinsel gulps N4bn in four years".

When the eel gulps its prey into its massive jaws, it also takes in a large amount of water, which is then slowly expelled through its gill slits.


get down, imbibe, swallow, swig, quaff, drink,


keep quiet, incomplete, mitigated, specify, close up,

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