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grow up Meaning in marathi ( grow up शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

वाढत आहे, वाढतात, मोठे व्हा, तो प्रौढ झाला,

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grow up मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

आपल्या मुलांनी शिक्षण घ्यावे, मोठे व्हावे असे त्यांना वाटे.

शाळेत शिकत होती आणि शिकून तिला खूप मोठे व्हायचे होते.

काही माणसे आपल्याला भेटतात आणि नेहमी म्हणतात की मला खूप मोठे व्हायचे आहे ,पण नेमके काय करावे हे कळत नसते .

तेथेच त्याने लहानाचे मोठे व्हावे, राजपुत्र म्हणून तेथेच शिक्षण घ्यावे आणि मौर्य साम्राज्याचा वारस म्हणूनच त्याची जडणघडण व्हावी हा अशोकांचा हेतू होता.

grow up's Usage Examples:

Howard is sensitive and neurotic, often getting overemotional while watching Clyde grow up.

Some roots known as pneumatophores grow upwards from the soil.

PlotThe novel's plot concerns two sisters, Virginia and Angela Murray, who grow up in Philadelphia in a home rich with African-American culture.

In spring 1920 she transferred to the University of Jena and it was there that she began to realize how important play and love were for infants in order for them to grow up mentally and physically healthy.

The future Iron Man however is on an urgent mission to find Bobby Saunders (who would grow up to be a terrorist in 2020) and instantly kills Blizzard with a repulsor blast.

Numerous examples from Psalms may be used for comparison, Wright chooses the following, printed to reveal the extent of the parallelism:Sing unto the Lord with thanksgiving;Sing praise upon the harp unto our God:Who covereth the heaven with clouds,who prepareth rain for the earth,who maketh grass to grow upon the mountains.

common bloodworms) can grow up to.

Male panther chameleons can grow up to 20 centimetres (7.

but in the developed world children generally grow up normally when bottle fed with formula.

was inextricably linked to the character of a full-time seducer, a young wastrel, a young not-so-young man who refuses to grow up, a character that he reprised.

situations such as this, since questions which are apposite in one case may be inapposite in another, and a jurisprudence may grow up around the terms of the questions.

The houses of the rich are empty, their inhabitants have disappeared, the gates of the courtyards are closed, weeds grow up and robbers enter, stealing the doors and the beds.

is a liana that can grow up to 10 m (33 ft) in length, pale brownish tomentose.


grow, maturate, come of age, mature,


shrink, shorten, decrease, stay, immaturity,

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