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go haywire Meaning in marathi ( go haywire शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

गोंधळून जा, स्कॅटर,

go haywire मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

भारतीय नास्तिक चन्द्रशेखर वेङ्कट रामन् (१८८८-१९७०)- त्यांच्या रामन् परिणाम (प्रकाशाचे मॉलिक्युलर स्कॅटरींग)करिता सुप्रसिद्ध.

घरगुती यंत्रणेच्या पायाभूत सुविधांमध्ये मायक्रोवेव्ह रेडिओ रिले, केबल, ट्रोपोस्फेरिक स्कॅटर, ग्लोबल सिस्टम फॉर मोबाइल कम्युनिकेशन (जीएसएम), आणि कोड-डिव्हिसन मल्टिपल एक्सेस (सीडीएमए) समाविष्ट आहे.

हे एसओ 2 आणि सल्फेट एरोसल्सच्या ऑप्टिकल गुणधर्मांमुळे आहे, जे सौर विकिरण जोरदारपणे शोषून घेते किंवा स्कॅटर करते, गंधकयुक्त अँसिडच्या धुकेचा एक जागतिक स्तर तयार करते.

त्यांच्या रामन परिणाम (प्रकाशाचे मॉलिक्युलर स्कॅटरिंग) या शोधासाठी ते ओळखले जातात.

go haywire's Usage Examples:

Then all of the sounds in his life go haywire.

These go haywire and become the single greatest threat.

The stress from his father"s actions cause Marco"s morphs to go haywire, the results from his morphs are (in order of appearance): an osprey crossed.

It is also known as haywire, from which the term go haywire arose, referring to crazy or mixed up from the wire's use to fix anything in an ad hoc manner.

energy, he says just like unbridled energy can be destructive and can go haywire, so too if the spirit of women is not controlled then it can prove dangerous.

about two pairs of identical twins separated at birth and how their lives go haywire when they meet in adulthood.

Tokyo, specifically those built by Shinohara Heavy Industries, suddenly go haywire even while unattended.

buys a set of mechanical stilts for his son Dwight that inadvertently go haywire and drag the two off, rampaging through New New York.

time portals can also be set as a hazard, for example, they can begin to go haywire which makes them accidentally transport something or someone from a different.

Lap 119: The wiring on Don Noel"s vehicle started to go haywire.

However, things go haywire for the women when a mysterious killer targets them.

mercenary, Lenny (Diamond Dallas Page) to assist but then things start to go haywire and greed begins to rear its ugly head.

"Ferry services go haywire".


hasten, drag, tramp, uprise, do, get around, roam, go down, shuttle, wheel, pan, travel along, pelt along, pace, automobile, take the air, ascend, transfer, plough, creep, meander, ferry, speed, go around, whisk, float, progress, travel by, motor, swim, thread, get about, run, retrograde, go up, lift, come up, drift, rush, be adrift, come down, pass over, belt along, spurt, trail, zoom, journey, march on, go past, career, snowshoe, lurch, taxi, trundle, push, ride, hurtle, lance, drive, swan, bucket along, pass, glide, slither, prance, step, range, go forward, sit, rove, slice into, travel rapidly, descend, advance, retire, recede, billow, angle, hie, stray, pass on, wend, travel purposefully, circle, race, resort, steam, plow, walk, whine, go on, draw, fly, overfly, continue, follow, caravan, island hop, cast, outflank, whoosh, step on it, sift, crank, move around, crawl, arise, pull away, zigzag, displace, tread, jump, swash, accompany, move, cruise, pursue, whistle, slide, shack, locomote, bang, vagabond, propagate, pull back, move back, err, zip, spread, turn, round, seek, change, pass by, forge, circulate, whish, withdraw, cannonball along, hotfoot, wind, swap, return, weave, travel, hiss, breeze, flock, precess, swing, come, hurry, betake oneself, circuit, fall, raft, ramble, tram, rise, bounce, wander, repair, lead, move up, beetle, play, roll, steamer, move on, go by, ease, spirt, carry, derail, ghost, draw back, blow, go through, scramble, surpass, back, wing, retreat, go across, slice through, precede, rush along, proceed, jounce, ski,


rise, recede, ascend, ride, linger, stay in place, precede, descend, go, advance, fall, follow,

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