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give place to Meaning in marathi ( give place to शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

जागा द्या, सोडणे, सोडून देणे, स्वीकारा, सहमत, जागा किंवा जागा, देणे, ओळखणे,

give place to मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

इंद्र म्हणाला की त्याने आपल्या कुटुंबाला मरू दिले, परंतु युधिष्ठिर म्हणाला की तो त्यांचा मृत्यू रोखू शकत नाही, परंतु गरीब प्राण्याला सोडून देणे हे मोठे पाप आहे.

टॉड आनंदी नाही परंतु जेव्हा त्याच्या बॉस डेव्हने त्याला कळविले की सोडून देणे म्हणजे त्याचा स्टॉक पर्याय गमावणे आहे, तो आपल्या भारतीय बदल्या पुरो (असिफ बस्रा)ला प्रशिक्षित करण्यासाठी जातो.

आपला विचार, आपली मते सतत तपासून पाहणे-माफ करणे, सोडून देणे या गोष्टी मोठ्या असतात.

give place to's Usage Examples:

Towards the south the two lines converge and give place to one great valley (occupied by Lake Nyasa, or Lake Malawi), the southern.

were issuing from the southern heavens, one color fading away only to give place to another if possible more beautiful than the last, the streams mounting.

Tutt the ground colour is red; — and in brunnea Tutt the rufous tints give place to purplish brown.

no Parliament; I say you are no Parliament; begone, and give place to honester men".

Crimes for the moment disappeared, to give place to vices; but to charming vices, vices in good taste, such as those indulged.

had been a member of UDN, retired from the presidency of the party to give place to federal deputy Rodrigo Maia, son of César Maia.

The stadium was closed in 2016 and demolished in 2017 to give place to the Puskás Aréna.

However, after Makrygianni Street, buildings cease on the north side and give place to the archaeological site of the Acropolis.

buildings were constructed 1959–1961, but were demolished in 2011 to give place to a new building complex.

Four protofibrils give place to one cytokeratin filament.

broader and allow for impersonal relationships, limited access orders can give place to open access orders.

 667) A believing member of Christ may become slothful, give place to sin, and gradually die altogether, ceasing to be a member.

represent the "old year" just passed, ready to be burned in order to give place to the new one.


bed, snuggle, put in, lay, postpose, lose, inclose, set, perch, reposition, replace, superpose, intersperse, sign, misplace, marshal, dispose, stick in, plant, upend, posit, glycerolise, cock, set up, put back, recline, barrel, shelve, position, arrange, cram, docket, stratify, step, middle, sit, ensconce, seat, thrust, install, stand, bottle, park, deposit, parallelize, tee, pile, seed, pillow, glycerolize, place down, poise, displace, appose, sow, ladle, ground, trench, move, siphon, jar, stand up, mislay, settle down, prepose, lean, rack up, throw, nestle, pigeonhole, juxtapose, situate, underlay, enclose, emplace, recess, put down, ship, settle, sit down, instal, rest, pose, imbricate, bucket, insert, place upright, fix, lay over, butt, tee up, space, load, set down, repose, put, introduce, clap, coffin, superimpose,


deglycerolize, disarrange, level, abolish, close,

give place to's Meaning in Other Sites