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get across Meaning in marathi ( get across शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

पार करा, बाहेर काढा, त्रास देणे,

get across मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

आझाद दस्त्यातील सदस्यांच्या कुटुंबीयांना मारहाण, अटक करणे, त्रास देणे सुरू केले.

यामध्ये पाऊस ; नद्यांमध्ये बेडरोक वेअर; समुद्र आणि लाटा द्वारे किनारपट्टीवरील धूप; हिमवर्षाव तोडणे, घर्षण करणे आणि त्रास देणे; क्षेत्रीय पूर; वारा घर्षण; भूजल प्रक्रिया; आणि भूस्खलन आणि मोडतोड वाहण्यासारख्या इ.

ती पुढे म्हणाली: "पुरुषांनी तिला खुप त्रास दिला, लैंगिक त्रास देणे, तिचे केस ओढणे, तिला स्पर्श करण्याचा प्रयत्न करणे.

एखाद्या व्यक्तीवर काळा जादू करण्याचा किंवा सैतानचा अवतार असल्याचा आरोप, त्याच्यावर / तिच्यावर रोग किंवा दुर्दैवी कारणीभूत असल्याचा आरोप करणे आणि त्या व्यक्तीला त्रास देणे.

सुखीलालाच्या मुलीला त्रास देणे त्याच्या नित्याच्या टवाळकीचा भाग असतो.

जातीय भावनेतून शारीरिक इजा करणे, त्रास देणे, अपमान करणे.

रात्रीचे वेळीसुद्धा छोटे हल्ले करत त्रास देणे सुरू ठेवले, तरीही चिकाटीने इंग्रज फौज खंडाळ्याला आली.

get across's Usage Examples:

The latter were used to help men and equipment get across the many rivers of Eastern Europe and combat the Germans.

ships to load had to beat to windward against the north-east monsoon to get across the China Sea.

needed] As discussed earlier, the main purpose of a mission statement is to get across the ambitions of an organisation in a short and simple fashion; it is.

Yoshikyo"s wife found herself caught up in a stream of refugees attempting to get across the Chikuma River, and struggled to find a place on one of the ferries.

skepticism should be scrutinized in introductory ethics classes in order to get across the point that "if all views about morality, including the skeptical ones.

drawn battle near Austrian-held Verona, but the Austrians managed to get across the Adige at Legnago.

often had to walk, or use rafts through the powerful current in order to get across Many fatalities were recorded as the current overwhelmed the soldiers.

Most users of the bridge get across it using some mode other than a personal automobile.

I dealt with a lot of issues that aren't easy for me to verbally get across.

the south would have to use 980 to 580 west to Interstate 80 west to get across the Bay Bridge to reach San Francisco.

earlier in the season in China, so the first ships to load had to beat to windward against the north-east monsoon to get across the China Sea.

with this opposition because of the message that they were trying to get across and because of the usage of the city"s public space.

First, the Confederates had to get across the swollen and bridgeless, Ouachita River on the morning of April 28.


express, obtain, buy, gather up, come by, take in, charter, catch, partake, isolate, take, make, recoup, incur, realize, engage, garner, partake in, capture, pull in, rent, hire, recover, recuperate, get back, share, collect, press out, call for, win, inherit, repossess, come into, receive, realise, extract, bring in, pick up, get hold, accept, profit, acquire, glom, clear, reclaim, preempt, poll, borrow, have, earn, come up, luck into, turn, retrieve, regain, find, gain, win back, come upon, benefit, line up, lease, enter upon, purchase,


refuse, lend, lose, sell, falsify,

get across's Meaning in Other Sites