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geological phenomenon Meaning in marathi ( geological phenomenon शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

भौगोलिक घटना


भूगर्भीय घटना,

geological phenomenon's Usage Examples:

Lochaber area of the Highlands of Scotland is a glen noted for the geological phenomenon of three loch terraces known as the Parallel Roads of Glen Roy.

A landslide is a geological phenomenon.

area is Panqulla, a spectacular stone forest which is an unusual geological phenomenon of volcanic rocks in the shape of large smooth cones.

Ice segregation is the geological phenomenon produced by the formation of ice lenses, which induce erosion when moisture, diffused within soil or rock.

These are unlike any terrestrial geological phenomenon.

A geological phenomenon is a phenomenon which is explained by or sheds light on the science of geology.

A landslide is a geological phenomenon which includes a wide range of ground movement, including rock falls.

According to experts, this rare geological phenomenon was the remnant of a ridge and had clusters of vertical columns.

This geological phenomenon marks the location where rock formations created at different times.

walking rocks, rolling stones, and moving rocks) are part of the geological phenomenon in which rocks move and inscribe long tracks along a smooth valley.

Mud volcanos, a rare geological phenomenon, occurs there when mud and gas are expelled from a depth of 3 km.

A lithospheric drip is a geological phenomenon in which a dense and relatively cold mass of lithosphere sinks into the more fluid upper mantle.

moving rocks) are part of the geological phenomenon in which rocks move and inscribe long tracks along a smooth valley floor without animal intervention.


endogeny, volcanism, cataclysm, earthquake, sedimentation, alluvial cone, flood, deluge, transgression, alluvial fan, frost heave, natural phenomenon, inundation, quake, deposit, continental drift, seism, catastrophe, alluvion, alluviation, temblor, frost heaving,


empty, ebbtide, dislodge, unfasten, nonpayment,

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