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gat Meaning in marathi ( gat शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


गुंडाचे पिस्तूल,



gat मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

प्रवरा नदी भंडारदरा धरणापासून ते ओझरपर्यंत कालवा मानली जाते.

तेथे त्यांनी हांसी-बुटाना कालवा बनवणार्‍या भ्रष्ट ठेकेदारांवर पोलीस केस केली.

गंगा प्रती Farakka मोठे धरण एक विमान कालवा करून नदी हुगळी शाखा फीड आणि त्याच्या पाणी प्रवाह व्यवस्थापन भारत आणि बांगलादेश यांच्यातील प्रदीर्घ वाद एक स्रोत केले आहे .

दोन्ही काठावरील कालवा प्रणालीसह धरणाच्या प्रकल्पाचे बांधकाम १ 69 400 400 मध्ये प्रारंभिक अंदाजे million०० दशलक्ष रुपयांच्या खर्चाने सुरू झाले आणि जून १ 1980 मध्ये पूर्ण झाल्यावर 322 95.

उत्तरेला कुकडी डावा कालवा व पश्चिम दिशेला कुकडी नदी यामुळे हा विभाग लाभ क्षेत्रात येतो.

टँगियरमध्ये, हा समुद्र असल्याचे मानले जाते; टेटुआनमध्ये ती मार्टिल नदी आहे, फेसमध्ये तो एक ड्रेनेज कालवा आहे आणि बेनी अहसेनमध्ये ती सेबू नदी आहे.

पुणे जिल्हा कालवा सल्लागार समिती सदस्य - जून २०१६.

आंबील ओढा आणि उजवा कालवा या दोघांवरती समाईक असलेल्या आणि पेशवे पार्कजवळ असलेल्या पुलाला शाहू महाराज पूल असे नाव दिले होते.

एक महिन्याने पिल्ले कालवाच्या शरीरातून बाहेर पडतात.

gat's Usage Examples:

The missionary started gathering materials for a new church and a convento but could not carry out his plan as he left already in January 1898; it would take more than 30 years before these projects would materialized.

Connecticut gathered in 2006 to explore the possibility of building the first pluralistic Jewish high school in Connecticut.

The investigation into his father's death, however, reveals that it was no accident and raises the possibility of assassination.

His father persuaded the Colonel to give him a job at Follyfoot to help keep him out of trouble, yet Ron is workshy and ignores constant warnings not to burst through the main gate at Follyfoot with his distinctive Triumph Tiger motorbike.

While serving as a delegate, Searle started a cane fight with Charles Thomson, the Secretary of the Congress, and claimed that Thomson had misquoted him in the official minutes.

action, or other form of communication, such as a public execution, to provoke a reaction of sharp disgust, shock, anger, fear, or similar negative emotions.

frequent feeling of needing to urinate to a degree that it negatively affects a person"s life.

gentleman’s agreement to desegregate after the school system peacefully desegregates in the fall of 1961.

During this time, he studied the properties and behavior of high voltage gas discharges, using positive and negative Lichtenberg figures recorded on photographic film.

in defiance of segregationist repression; they were part of a broader voting rights movement underway in Selma and throughout the American South.

Upon investigating he is told the place is not cleaned because bhangis are on holiday for a wedding.

solids; it is thus an elongated square orthobicupola.

party who otherwise lacks the necessary resources the funds needed to litigate or arbitrate a claim, or potentially to obtain funds to be repaid from.

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