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gastrin Meaning in marathi ( gastrin शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


पॉलीपेप्टाइड हार्मोन पोटाच्या श्लेष्मल त्वचेद्वारे स्राव केला जातो, जेव्हा पेप्टाइड्स आणि अमीनो ऍसिड लहान आतड्यात असतात तेव्हा गॅस्ट्रिक ऍसिड धारदार होते,

gastrin's Usage Examples:

cell or gastrin cell, is a type of cell in the stomach and duodenum that secretes gastrin.

have a balanced translocation between chromosome 8 and a chromosome X breakpoint located within the gastrin-releasing peptide receptor gene.

gastrin in the blood (hypergastrinemia) results in the overproduction of gastric acid by parietal cells in the stomach.

Too much gastrin in the blood (hypergastrinemia) results in the overproduction.

Most notably, GRP stimulates the release of gastrin from the G cells of the stomach.

The various cells of the glands secrete mucus, pepsinogen, hydrochloric acid, intrinsic factor, gastrin, and bicarbonate.

glands secrete mucus, pepsinogen, hydrochloric acid, intrinsic factor, gastrin, and bicarbonate.

cell (secretes cholecystokinin (CCK)) G cell (secretes gastrin) Enterochromaffin cell (secretes serotonin) Enterochromaffin-like cell (secretes histamine).

It stimulates the secretion of gastric acid, pepsin, and intrinsic factor, and has been used as a diagnostic aid as the pentagastrin-stimulated.

acetylcholine and gastrin-releasing peptide.

gastrinoma, a neuroendocrine tumor that secretes a hormone called gastrin.

Little gastrin I is a form of gastrin commonly called as gastrin-17.

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