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full fledged Meaning in marathi ( full fledged शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

फुल्ल फ्लेज्ड, पूर्ण वाढ झाली, एकदम, पूर्ण सदस्य, कर्कित,


पूर्ण वाढ झाली, कर्कित, पूर्ण सदस्य, एकदम,

full fledged मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

पूर्ण वाढ झाली आणि अनुकूल वातावरण मिळाले की फुलपाखरू त्या कोषाला भेग पाडून बाहेर येते.

त्याची पूर्ण वाढ झाली म्हणजे तो गर्भाशयातून बाहेर पडतो म्हणजे त्याचा जन्म होतो.

पूर्ण वाढ झाली कि ते पुन्हा गोड्या पाण्यात येण्यासाठी प्रवाहाच्या विरुद्ध दिशेने प्रवास करतात.

गोळा केलेली अंडी सूक्ष्मदर्शीखाली पूर्ण वाढ झाली असल्याची खात्री करून निर्जंतुक मिश्रणात शरीराच्या तपमानास उबवणयंत्रामध्ये (इनक्युबेटर) ठेवली जातात.

full fledged's Usage Examples:

After selection, they are submitted to specialized training depending on their positions and also have to complete a one-year internship before operating as a full fledged investigator.

He appeared in prominent roles in Vijay TV"s satiric series Lollu Sabha before becoming a full fledged actor in Tamil films.

This circumvented Porsche's licensing as Ruf is considered by the German government to be a full fledged manufacturer, and as such Ruf models have unique VINs.

During his stay at Gottingen in 1856 John Pierpont Morgan joined the Corps, but was not a full fledged member since he wanted to avoid a smite.


fledged, mature, fully fledged,


unfledged, immaturity, young, immature,

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