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flutters Meaning in marathi ( flutters शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

फडफडणे, उडी मारणे, चिंता, अनागोंदी, अनिश्चितता, प्रात्यक्षिक, अस्वस्थता,


उडी मारणे, चिंता, अनागोंदी, अनिश्चितता, प्रात्यक्षिक, अस्वस्थता,


अस्वस्थ व्हा, कंपन, बेचैन होतात, पटकन ढवळा, उडी, पॅट, घोटाळा, झटपट हलवा, माशी, उद्विग्न होतात,

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flutters मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

प्रेम करणे, उडी मारणे अशा नाम + धातू मिळून संयुक्त क्रियापद होते.

बाकाला स्पर्श न करता किंवा न पडता बाकावर यशस्वीपणे उडी मारणे हे खेळाडूंचे मुख्य ध्येय आहे.

उडी मारणे काही परिस्थितींमध्ये धोकादायक असू शकते.

यात कमीत कमी तीन खेळाडू आणि जास्तीत जास्त १० खेळाडूंचा समावेश असतो आणि त्यामध्ये बाका किंवा "गाय" नावाच्या व्यक्तीवर उडी मारणे समाविष्ट असते.

मध्ये गोल्डन गेट ब्रिज आणि रॉयल जॉर्ज ब्रिज ( ही दॅट्स इनक्रेडिबल या अमेरिकन कार्यक्रमांतर्गत पुरस्कृत आणि प्रदर्शित केली गेली ) वरून उडी मारणे सुरू ठेवले आणि जगभरात ही संकल्पना पसरवली.

संयुक्त क्रियापद मानण्याला जे विरोध करतात ते प्रेम करणे, काम करणे, उडी मारणे ह्या रचना मराठीत नाहीत असे म्हणत नाहीत.

आत्महत्या करू पाहणार्‍या व्यक्ती गळफास लावून घेणे, नस कापणे, विषारी पदार्थ खाणे, उंचावरून उडी मारणे असे विभिन्न मार्ग चोखाळत असल्याचे आढळते.

मराठीत काम करणे, प्रेम करणे, उडी मारणे, निर्माण करणे इ.

नियंत्रित उडणे आणि उडी मारणे.

flutters's Usage Examples:

He coughs, he hiccups, he snorts, he stutters; he whinnies, wheezes, wows, and flutters.

When Rayman finally encounters the cloned Reflux, that uses Globox, body, and defeats him, an unconscious Globox appears as Andre's black spirit flutters away through Globox's mouth, and he awakes his full self, even asking if he missed breakfast.

The flag flutters limply, stripped of its stars and stripes; its only color, and that of the pole.

flutters of the heart have been treated with finesse—sometimes a little too prudishly, pandering, perhaps, to middle class morality—we are never entirely convinced.

" The track heavily features vocal manipulation; Blake "twists and contorts his voice like an instrument" creating "high-pitched flutters forming a.

illuminated with spotlights, it flutters with red flags, and it has huge red backcloth upon which Lenin is straining resolutely forward from a thicket of banners.

imitation and dialogue, especially in the second movement where the flute flutters 32nd notes over and around the English horn’s warmly expressive lines.

It is used in belly dance to actively perform flutters, engaging various fibres in the muscle selectively.

Hitler Youth leader Baldur von Schirach who wrote new lyrics as "Our flag flutters before us", becoming one of the Hitler Youth"s anthems.

flutters (guaranteed to make any flag flutter on a windless day), and rustles for silk dresses.

The weighting curve is misleading, in as much as it presumes inaudibility of flutters above 200 Hz, when actually faster flutters are quite damaging.

The ticket flutters away in the breeze.

The Indian Express wrote "Kodi Parakkudhu is a flag that flutters in full flow, its not a half-mast performance and there"s no question of.


movement, waver, motion, motility, move, flicker,


curse, desensitize, desensitise, depress, clean,

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