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fluent Meaning in marathi ( fluent शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

वाकबगार, अस्खलित,


वाकबगार, स्वर, सहजतेने, मुबलक, अस्खलित,

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fluent मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

शिळाप्रेस छपाईच्या तंत्रात ते वाकबगार होते.

वाकविण्यात वाकबगार राजा ढाले! - ज.

ते, एखादी परिस्थिती आपल्या हाती घेऊन त्याला योग्य वळण लावण्यात वाकबगार आहेत.

निवेदनशैली, भाषा हुबेहूब वर्णन यात लेखक वाकबगार आहे.

भारतीय नृत्यशैली, विशेषतः कथ्थक या नृत्यप्रकारात त्या वाकबगार आहेत.

ब्रिटिश लोक हिंदुस्थान सोडून गेल्याच्या नंतरच्या काळात भारतीय राजकारणी या तंत्रात अधिकच वाकबगार झाल्याचे मानले जाते.

इथले कामगार तिखट मिरची हाताळण्यात वाकबगार आहेत.

तथापि ही पद्धत कलमे बांधणार्‍या वाकबगार लोकामध्ये सुद्धा फारशी रूढ झाली नाही.

वाद्ये वाजविण्याप्रमाणेच तयार करण्यातही वाकबगार आहे.

आपल्या कामात वाकबगार असतील.

अश्वपरीक्षेचे सर्व मापदंड माहीत असणाऱ्या लक्ष्मीबाई घोडेस्वारी करण्यातही वाकबगार होत्या.

अलिकडील काळात मास्टर ऑफ सोशलवर्क क्षेत्रातील उच्चविद्दाविभूषित HR executive हा अशा समाजसेवकांशी योग्य समाजसेवे बाबत तडजोड करण्यात वाकबगार असावा लागतो.

काचा कुटून पतंगाचा मांजा बनविण्यात ते वाकबगार होते.

fluent's Usage Examples:

Hugely influential in the folk-revival, it was often controversial.

Later in the 1880s, Galtonia with its two species was included as a district and separate genus in two influential taxonomic systems.

It is predominantly white with a strong Scandinavian influence, and is considered one of the most affluent areas in the state.

speak both French and German fluently, has attracted businesses such as telesales companies.

In the latter position, he was influential in securing two large military training posts for Kentucky: Camp Zachary Taylor and Fort Knox.

that the affluent residents of Back Bay had thwarted the proposal out of snobbery, regarding the design as "tacky.

one of the most influential paintings of the High Renaissance, but contradictorily states that the High Renaissance began just after 1500.

Christophe Rocancourt, an impostor, confidence man and gentleman thief who scammed affluent people by masquerading as a French member of the Rockefeller family.

In April 2014, Time magazine included Wainaina in its annual TIME 100 as one of the Most Influential People in the World.

known for his association with the influential collection of emblems and imprese (an emblem book), the Symbola divina et humana appearing first in Prague.

Other influential interior details include pocket shutters at windows, bay windows, and mirrored surfaces to reflect natural light.

In September 2006, she was appointed co-editor in chief and anchor of the influential TV magazine Zone interdite (Forbidden Zone) on M6.

The son of the Libyan dictator managed to earn an Imadec MBA in just twenty months, in spite of his busy social calendar and in spite of being fully fluent in neither English nor German.


silver-tongued, silver, smooth-spoken, facile, eloquent, articulate,


written, uncommunicative, devoice, voice, inarticulate,

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