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floored Meaning in marathi ( floored शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

पडणे, तळमजला,


पडणे, तळमजला,

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floored मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

पडवळामुळे चाई (डोक्यावर जागो जागी टक्कल पडणे) व अन्य आजार बरे होतात.

त्या जाळीत बिंबिका अडल्यामुळे रक्त बाहेर पडणे थांबते.

आच बंद केल्यानंतर वाफेचे बाहेर पडणे चालू राहते.

>कामे पुष्कळ,पण ती पार पाडायला वेळ कमी पडणे.

स्तनाच्या टोकावर भेगा पडणे व वेदना होणे.

हिंदुस्थानभर भ्रमण करून संगीताचे ज्ञान आणि संस्कार त्यांनी आत्मसात केल्याने, त्याचे प्रतिबिंब नाट्यसंगीतात पडणे स्वाभाविक होते.

ही अशी लाट वाढली तर,एकमेकांच्या अंगावर पडणे किंवा त्यापुढे, पायदळी तुडविण्याची क्रिया सुरू होते.

-पुट्कुळ्यांच्या ठीकाणी वेदणा, सुज व दाह असणे तसेच चेहरा निस्तेज व काळा पडणे.

स्तनाच्या त्वचेवर खड्डे पडणे,.

कर्व्यांचा विषय त्याच्या पचनी पडणे शक्यच नव्हते.

धुळे तालुक्यातील कापडणे हे पाटील यांचे मूळ गाव.

जास्त ताण पडणे, आजारपण, संतती नियमनांच्या गोळ्यांचा वापर अथवा त्यासाठी काही हार्मोन्सचा वापर अशा अनेक कारणांमुळे पाळी अनियमित येणे शक्य असते.

floored's Usage Examples:

Beckett is a pit-floored crater on Mercury, which was discovered in January 2008 during the first flyby of the planet by the MESSENGER spacecraft.

Glinka is a pit-floored crater on Mercury, which was discovered in 1974 by Mariner 10 spacecraft.

The most prominent and unusual aspect of the teahouse is the unfloored loggia.

His playing style was exemplified in a game against the Quebec Bulldogs, where LeSueur was reported to have sprinted towards and floored an opposing forward who was on a breakaway.

In graph theory, an overfull graph is a graph whose size is greater than the product of its maximum degree and half of its order floored, i.

Oxford"s Bowden was dumbstruck: "I"m really floored.

The strategy paid off immediately as Marquez feinted again to the body before landing a looping overhand right that floored.

Approached through a double-storeyed arched gateway, it stands in the middle of a marble-floored platform.

ra-n\operatorname {trunc} \left({\frac {a}{n}}\right)} Donald Knuth described floored division where the quotient is defined by the floor function q ⌊ a n.

linoleum in the kitchen, the rooms on the main floor are floored with mortared brick pavers.

Further to the southwest, beyond the opposite edge of the mare, is the dark-floored crater Plato.

Finally, Garner laments on the perfunctory decision that the Crown psychiatrist would not be given direct access to Singh, and her diagnosis would be made instead on the basis of transcripts and interviews with mental health professionals in the past – Garner admits this floored her.


hallway, room, horizontal surface, hall, dance floor, parquet floor, level, truck bed, bell deck, flooring, parquet, floorboard,


intense, high, mild, low, disassembly,

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