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fire a cannon Meaning in marathi ( fire a cannon शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

तोफ फायर करा, तोफगोळा,

fire a cannon मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

मीटर जाडीचा हा तोफगोळा असून त्याची विकसीत मारक क्षमता सध्या २०.

या वनस्पतींमध्ये प्रामुख्याने कैलासपती किंवा तोफगोळाचे झाड म्हणून ओळखले जाते.

ऑस्ट्रियाची राज्ये भारताच्या महाराष्ट्र राज्यातील नागपूर शहराजवळील अंबाझरी आयुध् निर्माणीने विकसित केलेल्या 'हीर' या तोफगोळा तिसर्‍या चाचणी परिक्षणात आहे.

शत्रूचा कडवा प्रतिकार करीत असताना एक तोफगोळा जवळच फुटल्याने शर्मांस वीर मरण आले.

फतेहखानाच्या तोफांचे गोळे शक्यतो किल्ल्यावर पोहोचत नव्हते, पण त्यातूनही एखादा तोफगोळा किल्ल्यापर्यंत पोहोचत असे.

fire a cannon's Usage Examples:

between the two sides then develops and Captain Renker states he will fire a cannon into the ship’s hold and kill all the slaves unless they give up.

Binnacle, fire a cannon from his roof every 8 a.

Military Intelligence fire a cannon, delivering H-142 to the aliens.

The occasion was marked by setting off an electrical fuse over the telegraph from Dover to fire a cannon in Calais.

illustration of a Confederate officer forcing slaves at gunpoint to fire a cannon at U.

including a type of torpedo and a destroyer, a torpedo boat that could fire a cannon from an underwater port.

toy soldier sends a toy airplane to attack the Beast, and tries to fire a cannon at him, but these tactics prove ineffective.

Hanriot was ordered to fire a cannon on the Pont-Neuf as a sign of alarm.

to fire a cannon at U.

There is only one way to destroy the Eliminator, fire a cannon blast down the trench into its center.

According to John Parker, a former slave, he was forced by his Confederate captors to fire a cannon at U.

Belli used to raise a Jolly Roger and fire a cannon every time he won a case.

The nickname came from her most sensational trick: to fire a cannon suspended on chains that she held in her teeth while hanging from the.


high-angle gun, ordnance, harpoon gun, culverin, heavy weapon, long tom, basilisk, artillery, gun,


hold, fill, charge, fall back, bottom out,

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