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feebleness Meaning in marathi ( feebleness शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

निर्जीवपणा, अशक्तपणा,


निर्जीवपणा, अशक्तपणा,

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feebleness मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

उलट्या, जुलाब यामुळे शरीरातील पाण्याचे प्रमाण कमी होऊन अशक्तपणा येतो.

मार लागणे, सांध्याची शस्त्रक्रिया, आमवात, स्थूलता, व्यवसायामुळे सांध्याचा अतिवापर, व्यायामाच्या अभावाने स्नायूंचा अशक्तपणा, अशी याची मुख्य कारणे.

शरीरातील या क्षाराचे प्रमाण कमी झाल्यास अशक्तपणा येतो, त्वचा ढिली पडते, पोटऱ्यांमध्ये गोळे येतात.

यामुळे शरीरातील पाण्याची कमी भरून निघते , तसेच अशक्तपणा ही काही प्रमाणात कमी होतो.

जास्त प्रमाणात कर्बोदकांचे सेवन केल्यास लट्ठपणा येतो, कमी प्रमाणात सेवन केल्यास अशक्तपणा येतो.

त्यामुळे जनावरांना अशक्तपणा येतो.

आजाराच्या लक्षणामध्ये थोडा ताप, अशक्तपणा, घसा खवखवणे आणि उलट्या होतात.

ब्रायोनिया संवेदनक्षमता, अशक्तपणा किंवा तहान लागणे यासाठी, फायटोलॅक्का मोठ्या प्रमाणात ग्रंथीना सूज आली असल्यास वापरतात.

ई-जीवनसत्त्व - या जीवनसत्त्वाच्या वांझपणा, वारंवार गर्भपात, स्नायूंचा अशक्तपणा, लाल रक्तपेशींचे विघटन असे विकार होऊ शकतात.

ग्राम पंचायत मेथीच्या सेवनाने स्त्रियांचा अशक्तपणा दूर करून त्या सुदृढ बनतात व त्यांचा जठराग्नी प्रदीप्त होतो.

अधिक तहान लागणे, तोंड कोरडे पडणे, अशक्तपणा, डोके हलके झाल्यासारखे वाटणे, उभे राहिल्यानंतर चक्कर येणे, मूत्राचा रंग काळपट होणे, मूत्रविसर्जन कमी होणे या गोष्टी शुष्कतेचे दर्शक आहेत.

वाढ झाली आहे आणि हिवाळ्यातील तापमानात अशक्तपणा, श्वसन रोग आणि आरोग्याच्या इतर समस्यांचे प्रमाण नाटकीयरित्या वाढले आहे.

अशक्तपणा, कावीळ, कृमींचा त्रास, जुलाब, पोटातील मुरडा, मधुमेह, मूळव्याध, संधिवात, हगवण अशा निरनिराळ्या व्याधींमध्ये गुळवेलीचा उपयोग होतो.

feebleness's Usage Examples:

] He became the father of Aukun, who, in the feebleness of a protracted old age, during the nine years before his death is said.

inscrutable ways, has given strength when our Church languished from very feebleness, has vouchsafed life when her very vitality seemed ebbing away, and who.

a Canadian politician An Islamic term in Arabic meaning weakness or feebleness A track by Tangerine Dream from the 1973 album Atem This disambiguation.

reigns supreme, and with it unfortunately also a good deal of the refined feebleness and the ineptitude which are the defects of that quality.

Aristophanes complains that other playwrights of his time try to hide the feebleness of their plays by bringing an old woman onto the stage to dance the cordax.

came out to meet Lafayette; none remained at home but those who age and feebleness detained.

It is used where there is "deficiency of both qi and blood marked by emaciation and general feebleness, aching and limpness of loins and knees, disorders.

correct in all his pieces, even betraying feebleness of touch, and not scrupling to denominate himself an artist of many hands.

deprived him of speech, and left him to pass the remaining months in feebleness of body and mind, until his death, at his residence in Rocky Hill, July.

undersold by the worker who only takes the trade up as a second string, his feebleness and ignorance generally renders the worker an easy prey to the tyranny;.

"nerve(s); nervous" and shuairuo or suijaku (衰弱) "weakness; feebleness; debility; asthenia".

In his play The Clouds, Aristophanes complains that other playwrights of his time try to hide the feebleness of their.

I, knowing the feebleness of my virtue, at first felt much afraid I should not be competent to the.


debility, astheny, softness, cachexy, infirmity, frailty, valetudinarianism, asthenia, cachexia, wasting, unfitness, frailness,


sensitiveness, sensitivity, adaptability, capableness, fitness,

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