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falcon Meaning in marathi ( falcon शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

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falcon मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

बागूल राजांचा कवी रूद राष्ट्रौढवंशम् महाकाव्यम या ग्रंथात बागूल राजे हस्तगिरी किल्ला ताब्यात घेतल्याचा उल्लेख मिळतो.

मॅक्सपोझर मिडीआ समूहाकडून ‘ स्पाईसरुट ’ हे मासिक दररोज प्रवाशांना दिले जाते.

रामचरितमानस व रामायण - तैस्सितोरी याने इटलीमध्ये राहून महाकवी वाल्मिकीकृत रामायण व तुलसीदासकृत रामचरितमानस यांचे तुलनात्मक अध्ययन या विषयावर शोधकार्य करुन पीएच्.

हाकाली-चंद्रपूर येथे असलेले एक देवीचे मंदिर.

पाकीस्तानात सरस्वती नदीला हाक्रा असे नाव आहे.

प्रकाशयन्ते महाकवयः ॥(१५ मात्रा).

खऱ्या भारताचे दर्शन खेड्यात होत असल्याने गांधीजींनी ‘खेड्याकडे चला' अशी हाक दिली.

दहशतवादी संघटना राक्षसी वायू ग्रह हे मुख्यतः हायड्रोजन व हेलियम पासून बनलेले महाकाय ग्रह असतात.

युरली भाषासमूहात सुमारे ३६ भाषा असून जगातील (प्रामुख्याने एस्टोनिया, फिनलंड, हंगेरी, नॉर्वे, रशिया, रोमेनिया, सर्बिया, स्लोव्हाकिया व स्वीडन ह्या देशांमधील) २.

| rowspan"2" |महाकाय magnatoresistance च्या शोधासाठी .

श्री गुरुजींच्या प्रेरणेने ’आमंत्रण सर्वांना, आग्रह कोणालाही नाही’ अशा नि:स्पृह आणि निरपेक्ष तत्त्वावर यज्ञप्रचार राबविणाऱ्या प्रकाश ज्ञान शक्ती केंद्रातर्फे गायत्री यज्ञ, रुद्र स्वाहाकार, शतचंडी स्वाहाकार, गणेश यज्ञ, विष्णु यज्ञ इ.

नंतर तेच एक अमेरिकन महाकाव्य मानले गेले.

व 1920 च्या सुमारास झेकोस्लोव्हाकिया देशात आलेली अचानक सुबत्ता या सोन्यामुळेच होती.

falcon's Usage Examples:

House") was a royal Danish facility for stabling of peregrine falcons for falconry located in Frederiksberg outside Copenhagen from 1670.

"An austringer [falconer] undertaking to train a sparrowhawk should be in doubt that.

Lion move (multiple capture)The lion has a double-capture ability, called a 'lion move', as to a lesser extent do the soaring eagle and horned falcon (promoted dragon king and dragon horse).

mounted brass falcons which cannot be carried; 2 iron fowlers on truckles; 2 pot guns on truckles, one not able; 2 single serpentines; 3 iron double bases; 8.

black guillemot, common eider, common loon, great black-backed gull, gyrfalcon, herring gull, Pacific loon, purple sandpiper, red-necked phalarope, red-throated.

elk, two species of fox, bald eagle, pika, beaver, flammulated owl, pine marten, white-tailed and mule deer, muskrat, river otter, peregrine falcon,.

Hunting Pack of Ambras), also called the "Ambras falconer cards", is a pack of cards painted around 1440–1445 and attributed to the engraver Konrad Witz.

The collared falconet (Microhierax caerulescens) is a species of bird of prey in the family Falconidae.

Chasing a tiercel goshawk that Kay had let get away during their falconry practice, Wart.

The statues were placed left to right in the following order when facing the annex from the west: The Lion of England, the greyhound, the yale, the dragon, the horse, the lion of Mortimer, the unicorn, the griffin, the bull, and the falcon.

home to wildlife species including black bear, pronghorn, bald eagle, peregrine falcon, elk, white-tailed deer, osprey, mule deer, bobcat, spotted owl, cougar.

defined clade of birds, consisting of the Eufalconimorphae (passerines, parrots and falcons) as well as the Cariamiformes (including seriemas and the extinct.

species include bellbirds, kereru, North Island robin, North Island saddlebacks, and tui, as well as the falcon, fantail, grey warbler, mallard, pukeko.


Falconidae, Falco peregrinus, hobby, hawk, Falco subbuteo, peregrine falcon, peregrine, kestrel, gerfalcon, merlin, gyrfalcon, Falco tinnunculus, Falco sparverius, Falco columbarius, caracara, sparrow hawk, American kestrel, Falco rusticolus, pigeon hawk, family Falconidae,


ebb, stand still, inactivity, dove, settled,

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