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faith Meaning in marathi ( faith शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

सत्यनिष्ठा, निष्ठा, धर्म, विश्वास, प्रामाणिकपणा, प्रत्यय,


भरवसा, अस्थान, निष्ठा, भक्ती, आत्मविश्वास, धर्म, कल्पना, वचन, दीन, प्रामाणिकपणा, विश्वास,

faith मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

च्या उंचीवर व त्यानंतर आणवीय ऑक्सिजन वायूचे वर्चस्वी परिणाम प्रत्ययास येतात.

त्यास icism हा प्रत्यय लागून इतर शब्द बनतात.

प्रकाशित पुस्तकांची एक छोटीशी यादी पाहिली की त्यांनी केलेल्या प्रचंड कामाचा प्रत्यय यावा.

पद्मविभूषण पुरस्कारविजेते नाशिक() किंवा नासिक (प्रत्ययापूर्वीचे सामान्यरूप नाशक) हे महाराष्ट्राच्या उत्तर भागातील शहर आहे.

येथील हवामानात चार ऋतू स्पष्टपणे प्रत्ययास येतात.

निकोप नीती आणि कसदार मातीत पडलेले कुठलेही बी दमदारपणे उगवते, फुलते, फळते याचा प्रत्यय अक्षरपेरणीच्या एकूण वाटचालीकडे पाहताना येतो.

भाषा नामाला किंवा सर्वनामाला विभक्तिप्रत्यय किंवा शब्दयोगी अव्यय लागण्यापूर्वी त्याचे जे रूप होते त्याला 'सामान्यरूप' असे म्हणतात.

सुमारे २०० गावांच्या नावांना नगर-नयर-नर किंवा नेर प्रत्यय आहे.

पूर, ग्राम इत्यादी प्रत्यय संस्कृतातून आल्याचे दिसून येते.

पुल्लिंगी प्रत्यय उदा.

संस्कृतमधून मराठीत आलेले तत्सम शब्द हे जसेच्या तसे आल्याने, त्यांच्यांमध्ये ष्ट आणि ष्ठ हे प्रत्यय लावून बनलेले शब्द मराठी भाषेत समाविष्ट आहेत.

१७)भविष्यकालीन क्रियांसाठी 'याल' प्रत्ययाचा वापर - उदा: सगळी माणसं येतील ना? [समदी मानसं येत्याल न्हवं?], माझी मुलं नंबरांत झळकतील बघा.

भारतीय उपखंडात भारताची हवाई प्रहार शक्ती सर्वोच्च असल्याचा प्रत्यय दिला.

faith's Usage Examples:

buffalo treading on a lotus as he feeds on small flowers symbolises an unfaithful man (the buffalo) who makes his lover suffer (the act of treading on the.

In early Islam, a qāṣṣ (plural quṣṣāṣ) was a preacher or "sermoniser" who told stories ostensibly to edify the faithful.

During the Đinh dynasty (968–980), Buddhism was recognized by the state as an official faith (~971), reflecting the high esteem of Buddhist faith held by the Vietnamese monarchs.

end of the year the Naval League, "a union, society and league for the discomfiture of the Turks and the defence of the true faith", had been formally constituted.

McCarthy counter-charged that this accusation was made in bad faith and in retaliation for his recent aggressive investigations of suspected Communists and security risks in the Army.

John Damascene, who wrote works expounding the Christian faith, and composed hymns which are still used both liturgically in Eastern Christian practice throughout the world as well as in western Lutheranism at Easter.

Controversies Aggressive proselytizing Toda adopted an aggressive method of proselytizing, based on shakubuku (折伏), as an 'active' way to bring the 'true faith' to all in the shortest possible time, or a method described as to criticize and to convince.

One purported reason behind this is that he wanted to marry a daughter of current dermatology chairman, Ferdinand Ritter von Hebra, and advance in the society, which he could not have done being of Jewish faith.

stresses the importance of these conditions, commenting that non competent muftis can cause havoc on the way some Muslims practice their faith.

Sections 8 and 9 of the Preemption Act granted 500,000 acres of land to each included state and provided that the proceeds from the sales of such lands shall be faithfully applied to objects of internal improvement [.

The book demonstrates a profound faith and learning, containing many relevant quotations from the Quran.

stag"s feet declare; Laden his left hand, apt to labour saith; The coat his neatness; the open hand his faith; Girt with his sword, his shield upon his arm.

that the insurer necessarily breached that duty, and may also hold that the insurer is subject to tort liability for bad faith.


analogy, religious mysticism, Manichaeism, cultus, Wicca, theological virtue, cult, Christianity, Mithraism, Taoism, doctrine of analogy, Buddhism, Bahaism, supernatural virtue, apophatism, religious cult, mysticism, belief, ecclesiasticism, Brahminism, Brahmanism, Zoroastrianism, Hindooism, theism, revealed religion, shamanism, Manichaeanism, pagan religion, Hinduism, Mazdaism, Mithraicism, Sikhism, Jainism, nature worship, paganism, Shintoism, heathenism, religion, Hsuan Chiao, Shinto, cataphatism, Christian religion, religious belief, Asian shamanism,


unbelief, cataphatism, doctrine of analogy, atheism, apophatism,

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