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eyeing Meaning in marathi ( eyeing शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

डोळा मारणे, बाजूने, लक्षात घेणे, लक्ष ठेवा,


समायोजन, रंजन,

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eyeing मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

या वेळी श्वास पूर्णपणे बाहेर सोडलेला असावा व हॅट असावेत या वेळी नितंब टांचाना टेकलेले राहील यावर लक्ष ठेवावे.

तसेच जमीन महसुलाच्या व्यवहारावरही लक्ष ठेवावे लागत असे.

डेंगू मध्ये विशेष लक्ष ठेवावे लागते.

या सगळ्यावर लक्ष ठेवायच बसच्या ड्रायव्हरने.

प्रत्येक आज्ञापत्र खलिता जाण्यापूर्वी त्यावर पंत सचिवांना लक्ष ठेवावे लागत असे.

सुरुवातीपासून मतदारसंघावर लक्ष ठेवावं असं प्रमोद महाजनांचं म्हणणं होतं.

सुरुवातीपासून मतदारसंघावर लक्ष ठेवावे असे प्रमोद महाजनांचे म्हणणे होते.

च्या ॲंटेनाकाडे लक्ष ठेवा.

खेळायला मिळेनासे झाले , जेवताना सुद्धा गायीन्कडेच लक्ष ठेवायला लागायचे , ते सगळे एकमेकान बरोबर हि राहू शकत नव्हते.

eyeing's Usage Examples:

compile its “biggest-ever list of off-the-beaten-path places that are worth eyeing for a great old home.

to be a girl, who had collapsed in the foreground with a hooded vulture eyeing him from nearby.

abandoned roadhouse with the intent to reopen it, unaware that a gangster is eyeing the property for his own scheme.

begins stalking Bowden"s family, not only seeking vengeance, but also envying what Bowden has, particularly eyeing Bowden"s innocent teenage daughter.

"Chicago City Clerk Anna Valencia eyeing run for Illinois Secretary of State".

"Straight eight has Fearnley eyeing Paralympic gold".

for the "blind-eyeing of male athletes, veritably given license to rape, maraud, deploy hate speech, and feel proud of themselves in the bargain.

Later that year, Jimmy had one of the most memorable feuds in his career with Ric Flair, who was eyeing Precious.

replacement part from the yellow New Beetle, which Herbie has been eyeing amorously throughout the film, owned by Sally, one of Team Peyton"s few remaining.

Amongst the various norms for foreign institutes eyeing Indian campuses, the primary norm is that they must first have to form a.

ordering the massacre of the population[citation needed], the French were eyeing all the remaining Saharian territories beyond Laghouat.

) In 2006, meetings between attorneys representing [Commerce City, near Denver] and International Speedway Corporation were conducted before ISC announced in February [1997] that it was eyeing land in Commerce City as well as eastern Aurora for the track.

Disney representatives stated that the production was not eyeing a Broadway berth, but is being explored as a property for licensing by professional and amateur groups.


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