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extol Meaning in marathi ( extol शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

प्रशंसा, अत्यंत कौतुक,


जादा अंदाज, भाषांतर करा, कीर्तन गायला, कौतुक करा, गौरव करणे,

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extol मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

कोणत्या रचना निवडायच्या आणि कोणी त्यांचे भाषांतर करायचे याचे राजकारण.

ते म्हणजे त्याने भारतात परत जाऊन नवनवीन बौद्ध ग्रंथ आणावेत व त्याचे भाषांतर करावे.

१)जर तुम्हाला एखाद्या सॉफ़्टवेअरचे भाषांतर करायचे असेल , तर तुम्ही मुक्त सॉफ़्टवेअर (OpenSource) निवडा.

नन्न्य्याने सुचवले की महाभारताचे तेलुगू भाषांतर करावे, म्हणजे ते वाचून लोकांना खऱ्या धर्माचे ज्ञान होईल.

तुकारामांनी बहिणाबाईला बौद्धांच्या ’वज्रसूची’ या बंडखोर ग्रंथाचे मराठी भाषांतर करायला सांगितले होते.

मराठीत या नावाचे योग्य भाषांतर करायचे तर त्याला मुषकारि म्हणता येईल,पण त्याला नाव पडले आहे गिरीपुष्प.

राजाने नन्नय्यानेच भाषांतर करावे अशी इच्छा व्यक्त केली.

त्यांनी लगेचच महाकवी कालिदासांच्या ‘अभिज्ञान शाकुंतलम’ या नाटकाचे त्यांनी मराठी भाषांतर करायला घेतले.

extol's Usage Examples:

testimonial or show consists of a person"s written or spoken statement extolling the virtue of a product.

writing, the Notitia Hungariae novae historico geographica, which is an extolment of the Hungarian history, influenced by his deep affection for the Hungarian.

At the same time, devotees extoll Mitra (Vedic Mitra-Varuna) as the Pratyaksha devata, the māyā́-minded, far-sighted.

The Teacher is extolled as having proper understanding of the Torah, qualified in its accurate.

The same writer extolled the beauty of the bay.

On the surface, the lyrics of "Time to Kill" extoll the joy of country life, which the Band members had enjoyed prior to becoming.

against civilians attending a religious feast" and the following "lyrical extolment of the suicide mass murder".

“knowing, wise”) poses questions to the personified Spirit of Wisdom, who is extolled in the preamble and identified in two places (2.

Tsar, since he instead of being a good servant of the state in the rank and file of the administration and extolling conventional virtues in his vocational.

Also, advertisers frequently extoll the newness of their products as a reason to buy.

pollution in Pittsburgh have been sometimes been replaced with verses extolling the city.

matter of extolling the martial arts above all things and becoming a scaremonger.


glorify, laud, proclaim, ensky, canonize, canonise, crack up, exalt, hymn, praise,


discourage, depress, disapproval, disparage, criticize,

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