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extempore Meaning in marathi ( extempore शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


कमी किंवा कमी तयारी किंवा दूरदृष्टीने,


उपस्थित म्हणून, अचानक केले, आगाऊ तयारी नाही, आगाऊ तयार नाही, लगेच,

extempore मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

११ अप्रस्तुतप्रशंसा,.

यास अप्रस्तुत अथवा अनौपचारिक तर्कदोष असेही समजले जाते.

खरे पाहता सुंदर-असुंदर यापेक्षा प्रस्तुत-अप्रस्तुत ही भाषाच कलाविचारात योग्य होय.

संदर्भग्रंथांची नेत्रसुखदता यथातथाच असते पण सतराव्या आणि अठराव्या खंडांच्या बाबतीत हे विधान अप्रस्तुत ठरते.

त्याबाबत नसत्या शंकाकुशंका काढीत बसणे अप्रस्तुत होय, असा त्यांचा बुद्धीचा पक्का निर्णय झालेला होता.

Pag-uuring biyolohikal मुळ युक्तिवादास बगल देऊन, युक्तिवाद करणाऱ्या व्यक्तिस नकारात्मक लक्ष्य बनवण्याच्या उद्देशाने अथवा अप्रस्तुत विषयाकडे लक्ष वळवण्यारा, अप्रस्तुत मुद्दा उपस्थित करण्याचा प्रयत्न करणाऱ्या तर्कदोषास(तार्कीक उणीवेस) व्यक्तिलक्ष्य तर्कदोष अथवा व्यक्तियुक्ती अथवा Ad hominem असे म्हणतात.

अमुक ग्रंथाचा अनुवाद कां केला, या अनुवादाला प्रेरणा कशी मिळाली इत्यादी प्रश्नांचा खुलासा अगदी अप्रस्तुत असतो.

धर्मनिरपेक्ष म्हणजे एवढेच की, ऐहिक जीवनाची व्यवस्था लावताना धर्मकल्पना अप्रस्तुत होत त्यांच्याऐवजी शास्त्रीय ज्ञान, मानवी मूल्ये आणि विवेकनिष्ठा यांचे साहाय्य घेणे.

extempore's Usage Examples:

He was the most famous clown of his era, known for his extempore comic doggerel verse, which came to be known as "Tarltons".

They alternately composed six extempore verses on the numbers one to twelve.

His reputation as a spellbinding preacher, apparently extempore but meticulously well-researched, was.

competitions, creative writing competitions, general knowledge quizzes, extempores, declamations and debate competitions.

The poem was composed extempore and follows the rhythmic and societal conventions associated with keening.

A sketch (ultimately from Greek σχέδιος – schedios, "done extempore") is a rapidly executed freehand drawing that is not usually intended as a finished.

versified from the start of his convict career: treating the court to an extempore epigram about being sent to Botany Bay, and composing a mock-heroic poem.

extempore epigram about being sent to Botany Bay, and composing a mock-heroic poem about his case during the voyage out.

His extempore rendering of the song on "Youth empowerment" in Tamil written by Hon"ble.

to train students on how to participate in group discussions, debates, extempores, MUNs etc Student Council College hosts student council which has different.

noted that, unusually, he could ride, speak French and German and preach extempore.

About 580 BC he transplanted the Megarian comedy (if the rude extempore jests and buffoonery deserve the name) into the Attic deme of Icaria,.

was the most famous clown of his era, known for his extempore comic doggerel verse, which came to be known as "Tarltons".


extemporarily, extemporaneously,


up, fitted out, precooked,

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