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expositive Meaning in marathi ( expositive शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

वर्णनात्मक, स्पष्टीकरणात्मक,

तपशीलवार वर्णन किंवा सेट पत्रपुस्पोद्गम भजना,


वर्णनात्मक, स्पष्टीकरणात्मक,

expositive मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

त्यावरील वृत्ती म्हणजे स्पष्टीकरणात्मक टीकासुद्धा या दोन्ही आचार्यांनीच लिहिली आहे.

ही क्रमरूपरेखा व कार्यक्रम केवळ स्पष्टीकरणात्मक आहेत.

यामध्ये अनेक उपाख्याने तसेच स्पष्टीकरणात्मक कथांचा समावेश करण्यात आला आहे; मात्र वाल्मीकि रामायणासारखे खोलात वर्णन करण्यात आले नाही आहे.

अषी स्पष्टीकरणात्मक कल्पना अभ्यासकांच्या मनात जेव्हा तयार होते.

तसेच पेकिंग ऑपेरा कलाकार मेई लानफांग, सिक्रेट्स ऑफ द चायनीज ड्रामा: चिनी नाटकांच्या प्रदर्शनात दिसणार्‍या क्रिया आणि प्रतीकांसाठी एक संपूर्ण स्पष्टीकरणात्मक मार्गदर्शक (१९३७, १९६४) पुस्तक लिहिली.

expositive's Usage Examples:

Independence, wrote by the president of the Congress, Serrano, states in its expositive part: "The world knows that the land of Upper Peru has been, in the American.

Text typesMost linguists agree on the classification into five text-types: narrative, descriptive, argumentative, instructive, and comparison/contrast (also called expositive).

exposition, expositional, expositive, expositor, expository, impone, imponent, imposition, impostor, indisposition, interpone, interponent, interposition.

descriptive, argumentative, instructive, and comparison/contrast (also called expositive).

exponential, exponentiation, exponible, exposit, exposition, expositional, expositive, expositor, expository, impone, imponent, imposition, impostor, indisposition.

Among the expositive elements are "los misterios y martirios, la "muixeranga", "els bastonets".

The rooms host Jorge Rando"s artistic production, with an expositive discourse on the move, characterized by the interchange of the artist’s.

Luque has a long and broad expositive trajectory and a full curriculum.

Independence, written by the president of the Congress, Serrano, states in its expositive part: "The world knows that the land of Upper Peru has been, in the American.

founder built with the artists, his passions and intuitions and a constant expositive and proactive activity brought to the constitution of a wide permanent.

Inauguration of the Mostra d"Oltremare: an expositive and entertainment complex promoted by the Fascist regime.

Perversion Story, features a 97-minute runtime due to the removal of expositive scenes while retaining the sex scenes.


instructive, informative, expository,


uninstructive, uninformative, unenlightening,

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