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exponential Meaning in marathi ( exponential शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

घातांकीय, स्पष्टीकरणात्मक,



exponential मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

त्यावरील वृत्ती म्हणजे स्पष्टीकरणात्मक टीकासुद्धा या दोन्ही आचार्यांनीच लिहिली आहे.

ही क्रमरूपरेखा व कार्यक्रम केवळ स्पष्टीकरणात्मक आहेत.

यामध्ये अनेक उपाख्याने तसेच स्पष्टीकरणात्मक कथांचा समावेश करण्यात आला आहे; मात्र वाल्मीकि रामायणासारखे खोलात वर्णन करण्यात आले नाही आहे.

अषी स्पष्टीकरणात्मक कल्पना अभ्यासकांच्या मनात जेव्हा तयार होते.

तसेच पेकिंग ऑपेरा कलाकार मेई लानफांग, सिक्रेट्स ऑफ द चायनीज ड्रामा: चिनी नाटकांच्या प्रदर्शनात दिसणार्‍या क्रिया आणि प्रतीकांसाठी एक संपूर्ण स्पष्टीकरणात्मक मार्गदर्शक (१९३७, १९६४) पुस्तक लिहिली.

exponential's Usage Examples:

not LTI are exponentially stable if their convergence is bounded by exponential decay.

The basis of this model lies in that opportunity rises and falls within the confines of a negative exponential decay function linked to a building’s physical life expectancy.

functions, Euler laid the foundation for the modern introduction of natural logarithm—as the inverse function for the natural exponential function, f(x) ex.

In contrast, the exponential distribution describes the time for a continuous process to change state.

Following World War I, as automobile use increased exponentially, CNR surveyor Fred Driscoll and Edmonton Automobile and Good Roads Association president formed a committee lobbying for the creation of the Yellowhead Highway.

Such oscillations depict a characteristic exponential decay in the fermionic density near the perturbation followed by an ongoing.

a 2-taxon tree under JC, in which n 1 {\displaystyle n_{1}} sites are unvaried and n 2 {\displaystyle n_{2}} are variable, assume exponential prior distribution.

In 2004, Boris Zilber systematically constructed exponential fields Kexp that are algebraically closed and of characteristic zero, and such that one of these fields exists for each uncountable cardinality.

ability to explain the Meissner effect, wherein a material exponentially expels all internal magnetic fields as it crosses the superconducting threshold.

rates have grown exponentially, creating the need for physicians in correctional institutions.

probability distribution consisting of K probabilities proportional to the exponentials of the input numbers.

positive eigenvalues can be uniquely expressed as the exponential of a traceless hermitian matrix, and therefore the topology of this is that of (n2 −.

Double exponential smoothingSimple exponential smoothing does not do well when there is a trend in the data, which is inconvenient.


single-valued function, mapping, mathematical function, map, exponential function, function,


uselessness, functional, nonfunctional, malfunction, hardware,

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