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explicably Meaning in marathi ( explicably शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



स्पष्ट, समजावण्यायोग्य, म्हणायचे, अवर्णनीय,

explicably मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

मात्र प्रस्तरारोहणाचा आनंद मात्र अवर्णनीय आहे.

‘निशोन्मीलित’ अशा या निवडुंगाची शोभा अवर्णनीय आहे.

या मंदिराचे नक्षीकाम अवर्णनीय आहे.

या ठिकाणचे सौंदर्य देखील अवर्णनीय आहे.

सूर्योदय आणि सूर्यास्ताच्या वेळी तर ही शोभा अवर्णनीय असते.

निसर्गाची केवळ अवर्णनीय कलाकृती.

शंभर वर्षापूर्वी फक्त पुस्तकांमध्ये वर्णन केलेला एखादा पक्षी किंवा फुलपाखरू किंवा एखादी औषधी वनस्पति आणि त्याची फुले परत एकदा पहावयास मिळावी याचा आनंद अवर्णनीय आहे.

बाबासाहेब आंबेडकरांचा स्त्रियांन बाबतीतला लढा- अवर्णनीय कार्य.

निळसर गुलाबी गुलालाच्या धुराळय़ात या रंगबिरंगी काठय़ांची शोभा अवर्णनीय असते.

याचा नाट्याविष्कार तर अवर्णनीय.

चैत्र पौर्णिमेच्या वेळी एका मागे एक अशा चढत जाणार्‍या व दीपांनी पाजळेल्या तीन शिखरांचा देखावा अवर्णनीय दिसतो .

सूर्योदय आणि सूर्यास्ताच्या वेळी ता ही शोभा अवर्णनीय असते.

explicably's Usage Examples:

(for which Schlichter displayed a marked fetish) stands on a pedestal, gesturing inexplicably.

with an Early Today lead-out; previously without the new schedule in some cases, the NBC All Night repeat of Late Night with Jimmy Fallon would inexplicably lead into local news with five minutes cut off the former program if the default NBC schedule, in addition to one local half-hour program, was followed by an affiliate in the overnight hours.

Inexplicably, Jerry proceeds to impale the box with pins while Tom whimpers and groans in pain before sawing the box in half.

United States Grand Prix lasted in Phoenix for three years, but was inexplicably dropped by Formula One management.

Inexplicably, Frau Farbissina looks exactly the same in the 1960s as she did in the 1990s, which was used for comedic effect in the film.

Maria Mercedes Correa Maldonado, a 23-year-old Chilean woman who in explicably "woke up" from cerebral palsy when she was 18, is now pregnant, in what.

As the season entered its final month Fever looked poised to take their first divisional title, but inexplicably folded in the run-in, losing two of their final four regular season games, including a 1–5 humiliation at home to Michigan Bucks.

for a score, but then, in trying to get around the Tech players, he inexplicably turned around and headed in the other direction.

Ackerman looks eerily similar to Jack Bradley"s (James Hawkins) mother who inexplicably died in.

his obese producer Azamat Bagatov (Ken Davitian) was inexplicably and unforgettably hilarious.

The film concludes with the guests leaving Ince's funeral, as Glyn relates what became of them:Livingston went on to star in a number of successful films and her film salary inexplicably went from "300 to "1000 a film.

inexplicably throws himself in front of a train, widowing his wife and orphaning his infant son.

September 1970, the premise is a BBC current affairs documentary programme, inexplicably titled Ethel the Frog, retrospectively covering the exploits of the brothers.

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