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expatriation Meaning in marathi ( expatriation शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

निर्वासन, हद्दपार, परदेशगमन,

कायदा एखाद्या व्यक्तीला त्याच्या जन्मभूमीतून बाहेर काढतो,


हद्दपार, परदेशगमन,

expatriation मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

१८९२ साली एलिस आयलंड हे परदेशगमन विभाग म्हणून सुरू करण्यात आले.

शिष्यवृत्ती आणि परदेशगमन.

YZP6576417 भारतीय पारपत्र (पासपोर्ट) हे भारताच्या राष्ट्रपतींनी भारताच्या नागरिकांच्या परदेशगमनासाठी दिलेला परवाना आहे.

त्यांनी १९२४ मध्ये पहिल्यांदाच परदेशगमन केले होते.

expatriation's Usage Examples:

noun, expatriation can mean the act of someone renouncing allegiance to their native country, as in the preamble to the United States Expatriation Act of.

repository for family legal events, such as births, deaths, marriages, and expatriations, as with the familienbuch in use in Germany and the livret de famille [fr].

Quarterly Publication does not include "[w]hat is often called consular expatriations, where people don’t file exit tax forms with the IRS".

This resulted in various death sentences and expatriations, including Mint Master Anders Hansson who was accused of being a counterfeiter.

Nellie Grant Sartoris, ruled that marriage to an alien was a voluntary expatriation.

expatriation that robs Pictures of Fidelman of the moral breadth, the grand lugubriousness, that distinguishes Malamud"s best stories.

the affirmation by Congress, in the Expatriation Act of 1868, that individuals had an inherent right to expatriation (giving up of citizenship), it has.

Discovery and expatriationThe Dying Gaul statue is thought to have been re-discovered in the early 17th century during excavations for the building of the Villa Ludovisi (commissioned by Cardinal Ludovico Ludovisi, nephew of Pope Gregory XV), on the site of the ancient Gardens of Sallust on the Pincian Hill in Rome.

An expatriation tax or emigration tax is a tax on persons who cease to be tax resident in a country.

dangers created by these rigorous measures and notably by the mass expatriations which include the guilty and the innocent indiscriminately, especially.

transfer and expatriation in multinational corporations: The role of disseminative capacity.

He is perhaps best known for the 1968 song "Ermutigung" and his expatriation from East Germany in 1976.

whose size has significantly decreased due to several waves of Jewish expatriation to Israel.


proscription, banishment, exile, deportation, transportation,


inclusion, repatriate, citizen,

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