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exonerating Meaning in marathi ( exonerating शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

निर्दोष, दोष देणे, परिष्कृत करा, पुनर्वसन करण्यासाठी,


पुनर्वसन करण्यासाठी, परिष्कृत करा, दोष देणे,

exonerating मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

अशा परिस्थितीत नगरसेवक असल्यापासून एकनाथ शिंदे यांनी या इमारतीतील रहिवाशांचे सुरक्षित घरांमध्ये पुनर्वसन करण्यासाठी संघर्ष सुरू केला.

पुढे १९८९ मध्ये दिग्दर्शक मीरा नायर यांनी चित्रपटात दिसणार्या मुलांचे पुनर्वसन करण्यासाठी सलाम बाळक ट्रस्ट नावाची एक संस्था स्थापन केली.

exonerating's Usage Examples:

including former Boulder police chief Mark Beckner, disagreed with exonerating the Ramseys, characterizing the DNA as a small piece of evidence that.

suggests that there may have been a real treaty, thereby potentially exonerating Philinus" account.

However, UKAD released a statement in December 2019, fully exonerating Whyte of any wrong-doing.

is committed to exonerating individuals who it believes to have been wrongfully convicted.

chiefly concerned in exonerating himself from the accusation of having apostatized for the sake of worldly advantages; and in view of this, he paid the.

Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit legal organization that is committed to exonerating individuals who it claims have been wrongly convicted, through the use.

Whilst not completely exonerating the driver, a more recent analysis drew attention to the extreme weather.

originally proved inconclusive, but since a 2014 reversal of crucial exonerating House Committee testimony point at his complicity.

Mark Felt, acknowledged his identity in an article in Vanity Fair, exonerating Fielding.

rather than elicit lies that can be checked against for the guilty or exonerating details for the innocent.

He was acquitted 15 years later based on exonerating DNA evidence.

The discovery of exonerating documents led to a posthumous pardon and the posting of his slanderer.

based upon the work of the Innocence Project, which is committed to exonerating individuals who it believes to have been wrongfully convicted.


exculpate, label, clear, whitewash, acquit, discharge, vindicate, pronounce, pass judgment, purge, judge, assoil, evaluate,


pass, disapprove, reject, fail, convict,

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