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eten Meaning in marathi ( eten शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


समान असणे, सपाट, सपाट करणे, बरोबरी करा,


फ्लॅट, त्याच मजल्यावर स्थित आहे, छान, समान, जोड्या, त्याच, ते बरोबर आहे, समतोल, गुळगुळीत, योग्य, संयुक्त,


पर्यंत, प्रत्यक्षात, तुम्हाला काय हवे आहे?, नक्की, अगदी, अजूनही, ते बरोबर आहे, जवळजवळ, कम, व्यवस्थित, तथापि,

eten मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

वखरणी म्हणजे नांगरणी झालेल्या जमिनीवरची ढेकळे फोडून तिला सपाट करणे.

eten's Usage Examples:

their competencies by respecting the principles of fair, equal and legal proceedings and safeguarding human rights, interests and legal freedoms.

campaigns, and Mark Kennedy himself who claimed in turn that he had been incompetently handled by his superiors and denied psychological counselling.

Froschgrundsee also known as Schönstädtspeicher is a retention basin to protect the city of Coburg in Bavaria from the flooding of the Itz, Effelder,.

After the restaurant closes for the night, Newton learns she merely pretended to be Hungarian, and can speak English.

But on pretence of former contumacy the vice-chancellor commanded him again to surrender himself prisoner.

provide for preventive detention in certain cases and for matters connected therewith".

retention of independence in national development and the alleviation of hardships imposed from hostile and aggressive external actors.

At Cao's inn, the inn owner suggests that he and Yang pretend to have drugged Lu and present him tied-up to Deng.

a channel or frequency channel is a designated radio frequency (or, equivalently, wavelength), assigned by a competent frequency assignment authority.

References20th-century card gamesPractical jokesTwo-player card gamesYear of introduction missingGames with concealed rules Perfection is a state, variously, of completeness, flawlessness, or supreme excellence.

The exception is recognized to benefit minors, incompetents, and trust beneficiaries that may otherwise behave as a spendthrift would.

Donald's ne'er-do-well cousin Ozzie wants help to jump-start a fashion business to be run by his friend, Madame Lucy, a flamboyant male artiste, who pretends to be a famous French couturier.

retention There can be four possible causes of hematocolpos Imperforate hymen: An imperforate hymen is a medical condition where the girls are born with.

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