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estuaries Meaning in marathi ( estuaries शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

मुहाने, खाडी, मुहाना, नदीचे मुख, समुद्राचा उपसागर, समुद्राचा हात, नदीचे तोंड,


खाडी, मुहाना, नदीचे मुख, समुद्राचा उपसागर, समुद्राचा हात, नदीचे तोंड,

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estuaries मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

ऍमेझॉन नदीचा उगम पेरू देशातल्या ऍण्डीझ पर्वतरांगेमधील नेव्हादो मिस्मी ह्या एका डोंगरमाथ्यावर होतो तर नदीचे मुख ब्राझिल देशात अटलांटिक महासागरामध्ये आहे.

नदीचे खोरे उत्तर, मध्य आणि दक्षिण तीन विभागांमध्ये विभागले गेले आहे, नदीचे मुख्य स्टेम भीमा धरण बांधलेल्या मध्यभागी आहे, तर दक्षिण विभागात पाच जलाशयांचे वर्चस्व आहे.

किनारपट्टीपासून थोडे आत, पुळणीच्या किंवा खाडीच्या भागाकडे बऱ्याचदा कोणत्या ना कोणत्या नदीचे मुख येऊन मिळालेले असते.

प्रोव्हाँस-आल्प-कोत देझ्युर बुश-द्यु-रोन (Bouches-du-Rhône; ऑक्सितान: Bocas de Ròse; अर्थ:रोन नदीचे मुख) हा फ्रान्स देशाच्या प्रोव्हॉंस-आल्प-कोत देझ्युर प्रदेशातील एक विभाग आहे.

estuaries's Usage Examples:

Young turbots gather in sheltered coastal waters such as estuaries, shoals and beaches, where they can survive for up to two years.

As a halophile, it inhabits saline environments including estuaries, a marine environment.

With large flocks preferring coastal waters, harbours, bays and estuaries where they are content to live on either sand, shell or shingle ground.

It prefers rocky coastlines, but will occasionally live in estuaries.

rivers along the coast form estuaries and provide conditions ideal for pisciculture.

Bar-built estuaries typically develop on gently sloping plains located along tectonically stable edges of continents and marginal sea coasts.

canals, rivers, firths, and estuaries).

A few species may enter estuaries but only one, the burbot (Lota lota), is a freshwater fish.

The Severn Estuary has the potential to generate more renewable electricity than all other UK estuaries.

coastal landforms of the island including bays, estuaries, harbours, headlands, and many others.

bat ray (Myliobatis californica) is an eagle ray found in muddy or sandy sloughs, estuaries and bays, kelp beds and rocky-bottomed shoreline in the eastern.

Onsite wastewater treatment systems have also contributed to an overabundance of nutrients in ponds, lakes, and coastal estuaries, leading to the excessive growth of algae and other nuisance aquatic plants (USEPA, 1996b).

estuaries with very shallow sills, tidal oscillations only affect the water down to the depth of the sill, and the waters deeper than that may remain stagnant.


firth, water, river, body of water,


saltwater, fresh water, high sea, international waters, territorial waters,

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