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energized Meaning in marathi ( energized शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

उत्साही, उर्जेने भरण्यासाठी, मनुष्यबळ पुरवावे, तयारी करणे, जोरदार सक्रिय, जोमाने सक्रिय व्हा, उत्साह वाढवणे, ऊर्जा प्रसारित करा,

सतर्क आणि उत्साही व्हा,


उर्जेने भरण्यासाठी, जोमाने सक्रिय व्हा, तयारी करणे, मनुष्यबळ पुरवावे, जोरदार सक्रिय, उत्साह वाढवणे, ऊर्जा प्रसारित करा,

energized मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

मानवी विष्टा खाण्याची जबरदस्ती करणे, महिलेस जात पंचायतीमध्ये नग्न करणे, व्यक्तीच्या डोक्यावर मानवी विष्टा व लघवी असलेले मडके ठेवण्यात येणे आणि ते फोडणे, हातावर लालबुंद झालेली कुर्‍हाड ठेवण्याची तयारी करणे, महिलेला चारित्र्याच्या संशयावरून उकळत्या तेलात हात घालून नाणे बाहेर काढण्याची शिक्षा करणे.

निवडणुकांदरम्यान स्लिपा लिहिणे, त्या घरोघरी वाटणे, पक्षाची पत्रके वाटणे, सभेची तयारी करणे आदी किरकोळ कामे त्यांनी केली.

energized's Usage Examples:

mechanical strength of the transformer windings, and their ability to withstand the high forces produced if an energized transformer experiences a short-circuit.

linear combinations of the first few most energized basis vectors, and throwing away the rest of the sample, which is in the remainder of the space orthogonal.

transformers may draw several times their normal full-load current when first energized, for a few cycles of the input waveform.

disconnect both the energized and return conductors upon a fault (double pole), while a single pole RCD only disconnects the energized conductor.

magnet was energized or both magnets were energized at the same time, the relay armature would not move.

cover)Bonnet"ndash;diaphragm"ndash;body sealHanger springBackup washerDiaphragm*Bleed holeDiskValve body*SeatThe core or plunger is the magnetic component that moves when the solenoid is energized.

television systems may be authorized to install systems energized up to only 30 volts between conductors, and may not be permitted to work on mains-voltage circuits.

Similarly, if the valve is closed when the solenoid is not energized, then the valve is termed normally closed.

protect secondary circuits and individuals from electrical shocks between energized conductors and earth ground.

94% of the household on the said 17 barangays are already energized.

An auxiliary contact from the contactor is used to maintain the contactor coil energized.

coils of wire energized by electricity to make electromagnets.

ConstructionThe February 1946 announcement of the fully electronic ENIAC energized the project.


perk up, quicken, reanimate, reinvigorate, brace, renovate, repair, cathect, vivify, enliven, arouse, recreate, stimulate, animate, invigorate, revivify, affect, revive, liven up, energise, liven,


deaden, de-energize, sedate, de-energise, deteriorate,

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