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endorsers Meaning in marathi ( endorsers शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

समर्थन करणारे

कोणीही जोरदार अनुमोदन व्यक्त करत नाही,


तो अनुमोदक आहे,

endorsers's Usage Examples:

Thirty-eight religious sponsors and endorsers are primarily responsible for the religious charism and Catholicity of.

The current list of Washburn Signature endorsers.

A 2015 article depicts that attributions drive endorsers and that globally 77% of shoppers would or may take action following what.

Using a celebrity endorser can facilitate a relationship built between consumers and a brand because endorsers can represent similarities between themselves and the consumer, and themselves and the brand.

List of people who endorsed Peter Brown Brown"s endorsers include: State Representative Alma Allen Former Houston Police Chief C.

the theme song for the au by KDDI commercials, featuring Arashi as the endorsers.

celebrity endorsers in hopes that the positive image of the celebrity endorser will be passed on to the product"s or brand"s image.

In order for celebrity endorsers to effectively reach the audience, they must connect and identify with the audience.

organization contribute to Ajax affairs, as well as help the various corporate endorsers of the club to communicate and collaborate in order to assist in reaching.

The endorsers linked to the New Right, most often partakers of initiatives such as the Proyecto Cultural Aurora [es] or Hespérides.

Other endorsers include conservative radio talk show hosts Glenn Beck, Paul Harvey and Laura Ingraham; Rush Limbaugh also previously advertised the product, but the company pulled its advertising in the wake of the Rush Limbaugh–Sandra Fluke controversy.


accommodation endorser, signatory, signer, indorser,


nonworker, stranger, foe, worst,

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