<< encore encores >>

encored Meaning in marathi ( encored शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

पुनरावृत्ती करण्यास सांगितले,

encored's Usage Examples:

The production encored at the Paper Mill Playhouse in May–June 1966.

There is a single formal shopping complex with a dozen shops encored by the Spar retailer.

enfants de l"Ibérie!" (sung by Gabrielle Krauss) being enthusiastically encored, and praise being showered on the magnificent costumes by Eugène Lacoste.

The drama was encored from 18 July 2012 to 29 August 2012, at 5:30pm, pre-empted on 9 August.

00pm: (encored at 10.

Kelly's aria to the ghost of the Haunted Tower – Spirit of My Sainted Sire! included a top B which he took in full voice in the Italian style, and proved such a success that at most performances it was encored in full.

Introduction excited deepest attention, the Allegro charmed, the Andante was encored, the Minuets, especially the trio, were playful and sweet, and the last.

" The overture was encored at the premiere and became a favourite orchestral piece throughout the.

of Figaro, 1 May 1786, and other early performances, "many pieces were encored, almost doubling the length of each performance".

second movement, Allegretto, was the most popular movement and had to be encored.

work was well received at its premiere when the final movement had to be encored.

success, with the entire final act encored" and the audience wild with enthusiasm.

Musicologist Roger Parker describes the première as "a clamorous success, with the entire final act encored" and the audience wild with.




obviate, forfeit,

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