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emerging Meaning in marathi ( emerging शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

उदयोन्मुख, आउटगोइंग,



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emerging's Usage Examples:

In 1978, Geyer and van der Zouwen discuss a number of characteristics of the emerging new cybernetics.

of mankind Provide clarity on emerging technologies Contribute to public discussion of the risks and benefits of technologies Contribute to professional.

Photopharmacology, an emerging approach in medicine, involves activating and deactivating photoswitchable molecules with light for target drug delivery.

He went on to play the talents of emerging artists like the Temptations, Stevie Wonder and Michael Jackson over the radio.

In 2007, they made blockbuster trades for All-Stars Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen, who complemented career-long Celtics star Paul Pierce and emerging star Rajon Rondo.

frontier market countries were emerging markets in the past, but have regressed to frontier status.

Democratic-Republican Party and Federalist Party emerging as political parties, succeeding the anti-administration faction and the pro-administration faction.

His mastery of the emerging New Criticism from German Biblical scholars led to his rational investigation of the Bible, subjecting its text to the same scrupulous scholarly investigation given other texts from antiquity.

Dennis followed this up in the early 1980s by publishing titles in the emerging computer enthusiast sector, including Your Spectrum (later renamed Your Sinclair and sold to Future Publishing).

2011-2012 (Best emerging market)As at 7 November 2012 index recorded highest level of 16,218 points and now KSE is being considered as a best emerging market in Asia with returns in financial 2011-2012 up to 40%-50%.

The Daily Telegraph praised "Fraser Ayres’s chillingly sociopathic Edmund, the amoral face of an emerging, modern calculating.

It has been also emerging as an alternative way for keeping solvency in the insurance industry.

caterpillar to their nest, where it feeds on the ant grubs for 10 months before pupating and emerging as a butterfly.


future, rising,


descending, present, past,

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