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earthquakes Meaning in marathi ( earthquakes शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)




earthquakes मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

पुण्याला मध्यम व लहान भूकंप झालेले आहेत.

जवळच असलेल्या वॉचॅच फॉल्टच्या भूकंपामुळे उद्भवलेल्या भयंकर भूस्खलनाच्या घटनेने पालेओझोइक गाळाचे खडक आताच्या स्थानास सुमारे 16-17 किलोमीटर (10 मैल) पश्चिमेकडे विस्थापित केले.

1995 मधील ग्रेट हन्शिन भूकंप आणि 2011 टोहोकू भूकंप हा 9.

२००४ रोजी ००:५८:५३ यूटीसी वाजता (०६:२८:५३ वाजता भारतीय प्रमाणवेळेनुसार) एक समुद्राखालील भूकंप होता.

भूकंपाच्या केंद्रबिंदूपासून जवळ असलेले राजधानीचे शहर पोर्ट-औ-प्रिन्स जमीनदोस्त झाले.

  कथा गुजरात भूकंपाची.

ह्या भूकंपाने हैतीमध्ये मोठ्या प्रमाणावर जीवितहानी व वित्तहानी घडवून आणली.

जीवांना दैविक आणि भौतिक शक्तींचा, उदाहरणार्थ रोग, आर्द्रता, कोरडेपणा, उष्णता, थंडी, गडगडाटी वादळे, चक्रीवादळ, भूकंप, ज्वालामुखीचा उद्रेक, वीज चमकणे, पूर, तीव्र सूर्य, लू इत्यादींचा सामना करू लागतं.

JPG|२०१५च्या भूकंपामध्ये झालेली पडझड.

सकाळी ११ वाजून ५६ मिनिटांनी हा भूकंप झालाय.

मानव क्रियाकलापांनी घेतलेल्या (?) भूकंपाची अधिकृतपणे रेकॉर्ड केलेली उदाहरणे आहेत.

(काही प्रदेश भूकंपाच्या संकेतांची (सिग्नल्सची) तीव्रता वाढवतात.

संग्रहातील पाच तुकड्यांनी क्रिस्टीच्या लिलावात £105,000 जमा केले आणि पैशाचा एक भाग 2005 काश्मीर भूकंप मदतीसाठी दान करण्यात आला.

earthquakes's Usage Examples:

Guaranda weathered earthquakes in 1674 and 1775, sustaining significant damage, but rebuilding both times.

The tale of Bernardo Carpio can be considered an etiological myth which explains the occurrence of earthquakes.

He travelled much in southern Europe, Palestine and the United States, and wrote several essays on petrology, geology and physical geography, on earthquakes and on meteorites.

” He continued, “[the] photography of this sequence was difficult because of the way [they] had to light the set” to avoid shadows from the hanging lights when the simulated earthquakes took place.

Turbidites from lakes and fjords are also important as they can provide chronologic evidence of the frequency of landslides and the earthquakes that presumably.

Meers fault presently is largely aseismic, with no earthquakes recorded along its Holocene trace or any evidence of aseismic creep although minor seismicity.

From January 2005 the area was subject to hundreds of shallow, low intensity earthquakes, with the most intense swarms occurring in 2005 and 2007, but continuing to at least February 2009.

Tsunamis can be caused by undersea earthquakes.

After the publication of the proposed scale in 1935, seismologists quickly adopted it for use in measuring the intensity of earthquakes.

At longer periods, they can also record the gradual accumulation of stress (physics)caused by plate tectonics, the release of this stress in earthquakes,and rapid changes of stress following earthquakes.

The state performed work after both earthquakes to reduce the impact of future occurrences, and performed additional seismic improvements in 1975.

Suspended from the 92nd to the 88th floor, the pendulum sways to decrease resonant amplifications of lateral displacements in the building caused by earthquakes and strong gusts.

Seismic activityThe Philippine Fault System from which almost all of the recorded strong earthquakes in the Philippines emanated, traverses eastern Uson.


temblor, seism, tremor, seaquake, microseism, earth tremor, quake, geological phenomenon, submarine earthquake, seismic disturbance, shock,


inactivity, order, spread,

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