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duties Meaning in marathi ( duties शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

कर्तव्ये, काम, नको,


असाइनमेंट, कायदा, कर्तव्य, टोल, सीमाशुल्क, जबाबदारी, कर,

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duties मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

मन माझं भोळ सखे तोडू नको.

महाराष्ट्रीय ज्ञानकोशाच्या प्रस्तावनाखंडामध्यें तिस-या विभागांत ब्राम्हण्याचा इतिहास दिला आहे.

त्यांचे प्रसिद्ध काम 'स्त्री जन्माचे स्वागत करा' व 'नकोशीं'चे पुन्रनामकरण ही चळवळ आहे.

भगवान नारदाला सत्यवानाचे आयुष्य केवळ एक वर्षाचेच असल्याचे माहीत असल्यामुळे त्यांनी त्याच्याशी लग्न करू नको असा सल्ला सावित्रीला दिला.

कारण मोठे अभिनेते,देखावे, नेपथ्य, प्रकाशयोजना, अशाप्रकारच्या तांत्रिक गोष्टींना खर्च नको,थोडी हालचाल करायला जागा ,समोर प्रेक्षकांना बसायला जागा,किंवा उभे राहायला जागा,अभिनयाच्या जोरावर,रस्त्यावर,चावडीवर,समाजमंदिरात दलित एकांकिका रंगू शकते.

Thai Junior Encyclopedia Project या प्रकल्पाखालोखाल दुसर्‍या क्रमांकाचे स्थान थाई ज्ञानकोशाने प्राप्त केले आहे.

रुद्राक्षांच्या नकोत माळा.

या लढाईत जनकोजी शिंदे मारला गेला, तसेच महादजी देखील लढता लढता घायाळ झाले होते.

दुर्मुखलेला असूं नको.

स्वैराचार तर नकोनको.

भाषेनुसार विकिपीडिया असमीया विकिपीडिया ही मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडियाची असमीया भाषेतील आवृत्ती आहे.

ज्ञानकोश म्हणजे ज्ञानाच्या सर्व शाखा किंवा एखाद्या विशिष्ट शाखेची बहुव्यापक माहिती लिहिलेला बहुसमावेशक सारग्रंथ (compendium) होय.

duties's Usage Examples:

With his primary source of income grounded, Clyde returned to his old home near Rago, Kansas, where he resumed his duties on the family farm.

On 13 June 2012, Redknapp was relieved of his duties after failing to agree terms for a new deal.

quickly brought to an end after the Federation took over the duties of despatching work gangs from the union and refused to negotiate with the union, the.

references to various Customs-like duties, including lastage, scavage and cornage, the details of which are unclear.

As a child, she had many duties, including helping her family with the household chores.

Additional costs have included paying for participants’ compensation so that the people who are randomly selected can put aside their duties to attend the events (e.

The governor"s duties are twofold: he represents and guards the general interests of the Kingdom and is head.

He was upright, and inflexibly impartial when exercising his magisterial duties at the Assizes and the.

In April of the same year, TRAC took over call center duties from GLSS.

Hatton succeeded Luman Harris as the (renamed) Astros' manager for 1966, while also carrying the additional title of club vice president and sharing general manager duties with Spec Richardson and Tal Smith.

The duties of a supercargo are.

chain in many ways, including by providing a symbol of assurance that certifiers and inspectors are independent and competent to perform their duties.

Early in 1875 Colley, who had been made a colonel for his services in Ashanti, accompanied Sir Garnet Wolseley on a special mission to Natal, where he temporarily undertook the duties of colonial treasurer, in which capacity he was instrumental in introducing many reforms into the administration of the colony.


requirement, civic duty, white man"s burden, social control, moral obligation, demand, civic responsibility, noblesse oblige, incumbency, safekeeping, job, responsibility, filial duty, obligation, prerequisite, line of duty, guardianship, keeping, imperative, burden of proof, legal duty,


untrustworthiness, irresponsible, irresponsibility, undependability, unreliability,

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